7 African American celebrities who help Africa


7 African American celebrities who help Africa

When I wrote my article on the origins of African-American stars. Many people have told me, it’s all well and good to know his African origins. But, what exactly has been done for Africa? What are their concrete actions towards the African people?

All I can say is that there are many celebrities who feel that they are concerned about the fate of Africans. They embark on humanitarian activities and create various actions to help the most disadvantaged.


Through DNA test, Isaiah Washington discovered his African origins in Sierra Leone and was lucky enough to get citizenship there. Inducted as Cheg Gondobay Manga in 2006, he created the Gondobay Magna Foundation to help the people of Sierra Leone.
Its foundation : https://gondobaymangafoundation.org/
His struggle for Africa is seen in various fields.
_1 / Support education
 Sensitive to the suffering of Africans, Isaiah Washington decided to pay nearly $ 1 million to build a primary school in Sierra Leone.

_2/Improving health 
When visiting Bo hospital in southern Sierra Leone, Isaiah and his team are very saddened to see the hospital’s lack of sanitation. He decides to help the people of Sierra Leone by engaging in the total rehabilitation of the hospital to improve the health of citizens.
In partnership with International Medical Corps “IMC Worldwide”, they are rehabilitating Bo hospital and several other government hospitals and clinics in Sierra Leone. He also decides to send drugs and medical equipment worth $ 2 million to the government hospital in Bo. And has also negotiated for two other companies prostheses for amputees.
Aware of the scarcity of water in the developing countries, it helps to set up a system to filter rainwater and allow villages to have access to drinking water. Its action has been carried out in Africa, but also in Bali, Sumatra and Haiti, places that have suffered greatly from earthquakes and tsunami, which face terrible epidemics such as cholera.
It also sets up a garbage collection system for communities in Sierra Leone.
_3 / in the historical domain
He works with his foundation to mobilize private funds to preserve the site of a slave fortress on the island of Bunce. Indeed, Bunce Island is home to a slave castle built by European merchants to facilitate their trade in human beings in West Africa.
They want to preserve the castle and develop it as an educational source for future generations, especially the many African-Americans whose ancestors were enslaved and mistreated on their way to the United States.

_4/ Setting up business opportunities.
Isaiah Washington does not stop there. It is mobilizing to create business and employment opportunities for Sierra Leone. Indeed, he traveled to Sierra Leone as part of a Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) mission to explore trade and investment opportunities with the United States.
CCA and its partners in Sierra Leone held five days of high-level meetings, including meetings with ministers. The objective is to study all business opportunities in transport and telecommunications, mining, energy, power and in the health sector.
Reminder: CCA is an organization of about 200 US companies dedicated to strengthening trade relations between the United States and Africa.


Very affected by the 1994 genocide in Darfur, which killed more than 800,000 innocent people in Rwanda. Don Cheadle created a non-profit Ante Up for Africa with Annie Duke and Norman Epstein to bring humanitarian aid to Africa. More concretely, it raises money to help Africans in need.
Following his actions related to the genocide in Darfur, he was awarded the 2007 BET Humanitarian Award and the Summit Peace Prize by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates in Rome with George Clooney for his service to the people of Darfur and Rwanda.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pg/anteupforafrica/


Blair Underwood is part of the Artists for a New South Africa association. It is a non-profit organization that works to support various human rights initiatives in South Africa.
Founded in 1989 by a group of artists including Danny Glover, Alfre Woodard, Mary Steenburgen, Blair Underwood, Robert Guillaume and Roderick Spencer, ANSA has launched its efforts as Artists for a Free South Africa. the end of apartheid and the search for democracy and freedom in South Africa.
Organization’s program
 _Provide services and resources for children in difficulty, many of whom are AIDS orphans.
_Combat HIV / AIDS in South Africa by educating young people about safe sex.
 _They enabled 150 sick children to have access to care.
_Many celebrities such as Forrest Whitaker, Chris Rock, Anthony Anderson, Chris Rock, Erykah Badu, Holly Robinson Peete, Jamal Warner Malcolm-Rodney Peete and Samuel L. Jackson have provided their support.


In 2007, singer Jhon Legend founded a non-profit organization called Show Me. The association’s goal is to fight poverty by enabling equal opportunities through education.
In Africa, Show Me provides drinking water, health care, education and other basic tools to lift Africans out of poverty.
Jhon encourages his fans to donate funds to improve the living conditions and prospects of the victims of extreme poverty in Mbola, Tanzania.


Alicia Keys is a committed artist and activist against AIDS for more than 12 years. She is the ambassador for the organization Keep A Child Alive, which provides care to people affected by HIV / AIDS in Africa and India. The organization supports orphans and families affected by the disease.
Foundation : http://keepachildalive.org/about-us/alicia-keys/
Very concerned by the subject, Alicia Keys traveled to countries like Uganda, Kenya and South Africa. In these countries, she talked to teenagers and young adults who have lost their parents to AIDS.
She was also the music director of the 2006 Keep A Child Alive Charity Gala and offered a private concert as an auction prize to benefit the charity.

  • AKON

Very philanthropic, Akon launched the Konfidence Foundation, a non-profit organization. This organization aims to raise public awareness of the difficult living conditions in Africa.
Their actions are manifested by:
_Providing access to learning for disadvantaged youth.
_Providing recreational environments equipped with modern technology, educational materials, recreational resources.
_Ensure access to health and wellness services.

Akon also has an ambitious project to allow Africa to have access to electricity. It is an act to be commended.


Denzel Washington supports Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund where he is a lifetime founder member.
In 2006, he donated $ 1 million to save children, a Los Angeles-based charity that cares about orphans in Africa, where he is the honorary president and Angela Bassett sits on the board of directors of Africa.

These are seven examples of African-American celebrities who struggle daily with their foundations to help Africa. If you are lucky enough to be well in your life, remember to help one another. Everywhere, in the world, millions of people are suffering. Find a cause, which will save a person’s life. As they say, “Whoever saves a life, saves mankind. “


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