Oprah, Meghan, Harry: 17 shocking revelations we learn from CBS interview


Oprah, Meghan, Harry: 17 shocking revelations we learn from CBS interview

On Sunday, March 7, like many people in the US, we were looking forward to Oprah’s shock interview with Harry and Meghan on CBS. And we were not disappointed. The interview was incredible, but extremely hard to take. No one could have imagined for a second that Harry & Meghan had suffered so much from the British press and the monarchy. When you look at the royal family, it seems like a dysfunctional and united family, but no one can imagine what goes on behind closed doors.

Misogyny, racism, harassment, jealousy, sexism, isolation, Meghan Markle has been the victim of a smear campaign since her tour in Australia to destroy her person. We all felt that she was not very comfortable in this very strict monarchical institution. But the sky fell on our heads as the answers they gave Oprah Winfrey.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex supported and comforted each other in the hardest moments of their married life, only to find freedom by moving away from the family and seeing the news that came out. Honestly, they were right. They were surviving in a toxic environment that destroyed their mental health and made them fragile. . 

To summarize the interview here are the 15 unimaginable things we learned from the conversation between the Sussex and Winfrey couple.

  • 1/ Meghan and Harry were married 3 days before the royal wedding in 2018. She knew Princess Eugenie personally.

  • 2/ Meghan learned to curtsy a few minutes before meeting Queen Elizabeth II. And Fergie Ferguson taught Meghan how to curtsy very deeply.


  • 3/ British press truncated the truth about the Kate and Meghan affair. It was actually Kate Middleton who made Meghan cry, not the other way around. The whole royal family knew the truth, but no one supported the Duchess by simply telling the truth.

  • 4/ Markle was a victim of racism in the royal family. There were several conversations where family members worried that Archie was being born too dark.

  • 5/ The son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Archie received no title and security.


  • 6/ The monarchy didn’t support Meghan Markle against racist attacks from the press. 

  • 7/ The institution didn’t support Meghan Markle against racist attacks from the press. 


  • 8/ The Duchess of Sussex cried incessantly while nursing her son and thank God she received help from one of Princess Diana’s best friends.

After Archie was born, life was very complicated. Harry remembers coming home and seeing Meghan crying while nursing their son, and Meghan admitted that she had contacted one of Lady Diana Spencer’s best friends during this time for advice.

“One of the people I contacted, who continued to be a friend and confidant, was one of Diana’s best friends,” said Meghan. “Because it’s like, who else could understand what it’s really like inside?” 

  • 9/ Harry’s father stopped taking his calls after he and Meghan decided to leave the UK. Harry believes that his father and brother are “trapped” in this monarchical institution.

  • 10/ Despite the lack of support from his father and brother, he continues to love them. 

“”But at the same time, of course, I’ll always love him,” Harry said of Charles, continuing, “I love William to pieces, he’s my brother, we’ve been through hell together, but we’re on different paths. “


  • 11/ Since 2020, Harry and Meghan have been completely cut off from the royal family. They no longer had security and Prince Charles no longer helped his son financially.

  • 12/ His mother Diana saved them. Harry explains that they were able to get out because Princess Diana had left him some money. It’s as if, she felt like history was about to repeat itself.

Fortunately for them, Harry and Meghan signed their agreements with Netflix and Spotify in early 2020.

  • 13/ The couple remained close to the Queen and Prince Philip. Prince Harry’s wife explained that the Queen has always been kind to her.

Meghan told Winfrey that despite her difficulties with the royal family, the Queen has always been “wonderful to me”.

Harry told James Corden for The Late Late Show that he and Meghan have FaceTimed with Queen and Prince Phillip several times since moving to the United States. Harry’s grandmother even bought Archie a waffle iron for Christmas this year.

“I never blinded my grandmother,” Harry told Winfrey about their decision to leave the family. “I have too much respect for her.”

  • 14/ The Duke and Duchess will have a little girl, planned for the summer.

  • 15/ Meghan and her sister Samantha are not close. They haven’t been seen for over 18 years. She is surprised that Samantha is writing a book about her when she doesn’t know her.

  • 16/ “Archie’s slogan is “Drive safely!”

 Harry explained that every time someone leaves the house, Archie tells them to “drive carefully”.

« “Drive safely!” Harry laughs.

  • 17/ Harry and Meghan are happy in the United States. They love doing things with their son Archie.

Harry especially enjoys doing things with his son that he never had a chance to do as a child.

 “I can go for walks with Archie and we can go for walks with the family and with the dogs or take a hike or go down to the beach, which is so close”.

But his favorite activity to do with Archie is cycling. 

The emblematic couple has no regrets. They explain that they did everything to make it work. But the institution let them down. Meghan points out that Prince Harry saved them. Her husband points out that without his wife, he would have had a hard time getting out of the system.




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