France: protest in tribute to Adama Traoré, Rémi Fraisse and George Flyod

France: protest in tribute to Adama Traoré, Rémi Fraisse and George Flyod

Since the death of George Flyod in France, there have been many protests against racism and police violence..

These protests attract thousands of people of all colours demanding justice for Adama Traoré, Rémi Fraisse, George Flyod, Cédric Chouviat…and other police violence. They want a better world with more justice and fairness..

“Whether we’re black, yellow, white, we’ve got the same blood running through our veins! “Expresses a protester. The fight against racism and police violence is a long struggle that deserves to be fought. Positive and just change must happen. So that we are all equal..


  • _Protest of June 2, 2020
  • _Protest of June 13, 2020

Assa Traoré organized a large peaceful protest to demand justice and truth for her brother Adama Traoré. This protest on 2 June 2020 attracted more than 20,000 people. Despite bans on gathering, they responded to the call to fight racism and police violence. With placards “I can’t breathe”, “Justice for Adama”, “Justice for all”, “No justice, no peace”, “Black lives matter”, black T-shirts and slogans against police violence, they expressed their indignation against injustice..

She said that day:

“No matter what skin color, no matter what religion, you cannot remain a spectator in the face of injustice and police impunity […] France is the only country where the rally has been refused.”»

“My brother’s not coming back, but all the fights we’re gonna do, we’re doing for you.”

Some demonstrators gathered near the American Embassy, Place de la Concorde, on the Champ-de-Mars or near the Eiffel Tower. It should be noted that it has been 4 years since the Traoré family has been seeking justice for Adama, a young black man of 24 years old, who died following his arrest in Beaumont-sur-Oise in 2016, following a belly tackle..

Many celebrities, politicians and personalities have come forward for more social justice.e.




In Marseille, many people have protested against police violence.

Pour la manifestation du 13 juin, ils ont mis un genou à terre, en hommage à George Floyd et Adama Traoré devant la préfecture.


More than 5,000 people marched on the Place Bellecour against police violence in Lyon during a protest that was authorized by the prefecture..


According to the Voice of the North, more than 1,500 people have protested in Republic Square in the early afternoon. They were asking for Zyed, Bouna, Theo, Adama. And they carried placards saying “No justice, no peace. »


2,500 Bordeaux residents joined the movement by walking along the city’s quays before joining the United States Consulate..



Many people answered the call by kneeling in Massena Square at the foot of the statue of Apollo..


In tribute to Babacar Gueye, shot dead during a police intervention in the city in 2015. Thousands of Rennes residents marched through the city streets to express their indignation..

Other protests took place throughout France. For example in Nîmes, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Clermont-Ferrand, Metz, Limoges, Nancy, Béziers..

George Flyod’s death has sparked worldwide outrage. Thousands of people are protesting and demanding more justice and fairness for all. The fight to live together and the struggles against racism and police violence are key to making the world change for the better.

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