Congolese Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga invents a hybrid electric car – African genius

Congolese Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga invents a hybrid electric car – African genius 

Many African countries suffer from lack of electricity. This lack creates economic, health and environmental problems. will tell you about a remarkable and talented woman, who is the pride and hope of the African people. Through her experience and history, she shows us that knowledge is a weapon that can change the world. There or in some countries like India, or having a girl is frowned upon. This young Congolese woman shows the world that a woman is as capable as a man of succeeding and that knowledge is a real blessing.
Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga will undergo a traumatic experience, which will change the course of her life. At the age of 17, she became seriously ill and her condition required an emergency operation. Unfortunately, the Kikwit General Hospital in Bandundu suffered from a lack of fuel to start the generator and operate the patient. The city of Kikwit had for a long time undergone a recurrent lack of water and electricity. For 3 long days, Sandrine’s life depended on this electric current. Thanks to God, her operation was able to take place, she is saved. Through this traumatic experience, she realizes the need for electricity in her country. She decides through her job to become an electrical engineer and through her knowledge to change the lives of millions of Africans.
Sandrine explains:

 I firmly believe that electricity saves lives. I prove this because I almost died because of the lack of electricity. This experience between life and death for three days instilled in me the passion to find a solution to the lack of electricity. That’s how I became an electrical engineer


Creation of a hybrid electric car.

During her studies at the University of Toledo, in electrical engineering in power specialization, Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga will create a hybrid electric car by incorporating a hydrogen fuel cell.
What is its function ?
The created car runs using hydrogen as fuel and direct current. It is a car that does not pollute and whose only waste is pure water. Indeed, the fuel cell uses hydrogen gas and air to produce direct current. This current is then used by an electric motor that turns the wheels of a car. Following this invention, the University of Toledo, awarded him the prize for the best research Master of Electrical Engineering Department (Most Outstanding Thesis).
Secondly, to find a source of hydrogen supply, the inventor designs a hydrogen generating station. This station is powered by a solar system that produces electricity. It also consists of an electrolysis machine (a process that dissociates water molecules into atoms of hydrogen and oxygen by means of an electrical source) that takes water and breaks it down into hydrogen and oxygen. . The hybrid car can drive to the station to fill up with hydrogen. This whole system does not produce pollution or carbon dioxide.

The course of a champion

In 2005, she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA. Following her genius, she won many awards and distinctions. In the last year of the license, Sandrine will invent a portable solar system that provides electricity from a solar panel. Passionate about renewable energies, she will accumulate 14 years of experience in electrical engineering. She will also work for large companies like General Electric and Firts Energy.

In 2009, the association of Congolese from Washington DC, will discern him the prize “Nkoy Merit Award. Then, the association “Friends of Congo” in Boston will grant him the “Congolese Merit Award”. In 2010, she will be named “Young Engineer of the Year” by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In 2011, IEEE Institute will give him a certificate to thank all the services rendered to advance the profession of engineer. With all this success, Sandrine will make many international conferences to talk about her work and her experience in the field.

Since 2011, she will create her company SMIN Power Group which aims to design and install solar systems and renewable energy. The company is based in the USA, but is also established in Africa, more precisely, in Kinshasa since 2013, with 2 engineers, 4 electricians, a legal department and a financial advisor.

  This project was funded by the US Department of Energy. Over the years, I have worked on the design of several solar power plants totaling 50,000 KW in the USA. To give you a more concrete idea, 1,000 KW are enough to supply 160 houses, so 50,000 KW is equivalent to the electricity used by 8,000 houses. »

With her company, she changes things in the DRC

With her company SMIN Power Group, she powered a community with solar energy.

 Today I am very satisfied with the work we are doing in the DRC where we are serving the various communities. In Bandundu, for example, in Kikwit, we carried out feasibility studies for two secondary schools and one Catholic parish. These studies have demonstrated to these communities that solar energy is a cost-effective and sustainable solution. In Kinshasa, we designed and installed a solar system for a community. This community is autonomous 24h / 24h in electric power. And this solar system that we have designed and installed has a 25 year warranty. It is a silent and non-polluting system unlike the generator! And it is cheaper in the long run if we compare the price of fuel and maintenance of the generator. Our Kinshasa office also provides free training to our clients who want to understand more about the benefits of renewable energieses », says Sandrine Mubenga.

In Africa, especially in the DRC, where his company is located. It has been confronted by various constraints such as bureaucracy, slowness of business, procurement procedures. Courageous, she fights with her company to achieve her goal. It does its utmost to demonstrate the importance of renewable energy in Africa for the people.

 Our experience with solar systems in the DRC has shown us that using a solar system is much cheaper than using a generator. Our customers realize savings of +/- 30% using solar energy, “says SMIN Power Group CEO.

In parallel, since 2012, she is manager of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toledo where she manages an annual budget of $ 15 million for energy Sandrine Mubenga has made a plan to electrify all villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Congo thanks to renewable energy. It is also fighting to cope with climate change and pollution.

The amount of CO2 we avoided is equivalent to removing 52 cars from the road. Since our opening, we have conducted studies and designed solar systems for several communities. At the University of Toledo, with my team we reduced the cost of energy by $ 4, 2 million. A second effect of this reduction in energy, which is equally important, is that we have significantly reduced emissions caused by greenhouse gases. So we continue to fight climate change. Another accomplishment achieved at the University was the creation of Sustainability Energy Efficiency and Design initiative to engage students, professors, and the community to combat climate change by conserving energy, “says the founder of SMIN Power Group. »

Nothing is impossible to him who believes. Thanks to her experience and knowledge, Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga works tirelessly to develop renewable energies in Africa. She has many remarkable projects to help people access electricity. This African genius proves that Africa is on the move. So trust the youth, get the kids to learn, read books and accumulate as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge is a weapon that can change and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

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