12 Beautiful Black Women Wearing Pink Lipstick


12 Beautiful Black Women Wearing Pink Lipstick

Pink color is a feminine and sensual color, which sublimates and beautifies women. It’s an attractive color that catches the eye and makes you look beautiful and desirable. It’s the perfect color, to make you notice of your prince charming.

But we must choose the right pink color, which adapts to your skin tone, hair color and size of your lips.

But how to do it ? What are the steps to find your ideal lipstick?

  • 1/ Choose the right shade of pink
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There are many shades of pink. So when you try your lipstick, you have to agree to do several tests before finding your ideal shade.
As a rule of thumb, darker skin tones look better with a brighter shade of pink, and fair skin goes better with a more subtle and nuanced pink. The rule is to find a shade that enhances your natural color.
How to check?

Tip 1: When you try your lipstick. Bring with you your mirror to check that the color is fine. Try as much as possible, in front of the mirror, to find the color that will illuminate your face.
When you are in a store, you can also slide the stick on your finger or back of the hand, to see if the color is good.

  • 2 / Select your lip pencil carefully.

It is very important to choose a lip pencil, which will marvelously marinate with your lipstick.

  • 3 / Apply a light eye makeup

Don’t overload your eyes! The goal is to draw your eyes to your mouth.

  • 4 / What is the perfect method for applying lipstick?

In my opinion, no rule is necessary to apply lipstick. Some women use their fingers or special brushes. Others are more adept at the tubes. The choice depends on everyone. The bottom line is that your lipstick is well set and sublime your face.

    • Moisten your lips with a balm, before applying the lipstick. This helps to make your lips softer.
    • Draw the outline of the lips with a pencil.
    • You can choose either a pencil color from your lipstick or a brown pencil or darker, which fits your skin.
    • Tips : on the other hand if you have wounded or very dry lips, call our famous shea butter.
    • Be careful: If your upper and lower lips don’t have exactly the same shade, you can use a corrective pencil, the color of which is as close as possible to that of the skin, on the lighter lip. Secondly, you can also, put a touch of foundation and a transparent powder veil before laying the lipstick.
    • You can put powder or apply a gloss for a brighter effect.
    • Lay your lipstick from the inside of the lip to the outside.

Discover below 12 gorgeous black and mestizo women with pink lipstick.

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