11 health benefits of cassava


11 health benefits of cassava.

Cassava is a tuber, which is part of the Euphorbiaceae family. Native to Central and South America, this edible tropical plant has magnificent health properties. It is a staple food found in Africa, Asia and South America. It is present in traditional recipes because it is easy to produce and digest. But it is important to cook it before eating it. Because the vegetable and its leaves can be toxic. Cassava is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, potassium and calcium.

The different names of cassava

Name Country
Manioc Congo, Cameroon, Senegal
Cassava Anglophone African countries
bafilinapaka Malagasy Republic
Bankye Ghana
Agbeli Togo
tapioca Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Pacific
mandioka Gambia
manihot, mandioca, uca Latin America

How to consume cassava?

There are a thousand and one ways to consume cassava. It can be eaten as semolina, pieces, flour, starch, mashed or fried.

There are two types of cassava:

  • 1) Sweet cassava (Manihot opi). It is cultivated for local consumption.
  • 2) Bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta). It is poisonous so it must be peeled, washed and dried. It must be cooked thoroughly. It is used for the preparation of starch and other derivatives.
How to prepare it?
1) It must always be peeled before cooking because raw, it contains toxins that are harmful to health.

2) It is prepared like a potato, either boiled or fried.

3) It is served as an accompaniment to the main course.

The leaves and root of cassava can also be eaten, but they must be cooked, as they can be toxic if eaten raw.

Cassava is rich in carbohydrates and has a neutral, potato-like taste.

What are the benefits of cassava?

Rich in carbohydrates, cassava is eaten as a starchy food. In the tuber family, there are sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, potato, cassava. It can therefore easily replace the potato. Its high starch and fiber content makes it easy to digest.

11 medicinal virtues of cassava.

  • 1/ It’s a satiating food.

Indeed, it supports the feeling of satiety, because once consumed, the starch gains volume in the stomach.

  • 2/ It’s an energetic food.

Cassava satiates, in turn bringing energy to the body, thanks to its high content of carbohydrates in the form of starch. It is ideal for people who have to make physical efforts. (fields, construction, factories).

  • 3/ Good for diabetics

Cassava is beneficial for diabetics. Indeed, it contains a high content of fibers that slow down the rate of absorption of sugar in the blood. In addition, it has a low glycemic index. Cassava is recommended for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

  • 4/ It contains no gluten.

People with gluten intolerance can consume this vegetable.

  • 5/ Excellent remedy for the skin

Cassava (leaf + powder) is a good remedy for the skin.

_Cassava leaves are rich in B vitamins and have an antibacterial action. They are used to treat ailments caused by abrasion or intoxication..

_The powder is used in case of burns, eczema or skin irritation.

  • 6/ It’s a powerful digestif

Cassava is a tuber that is very easy to digest. It is very useful to cure and prevent certain stomach or digestion problems. For example, it is recommended for people who suffer from poor absorption of nutrients, acidity, ulcers and flatulence. In addition, it relieves poor digestion, diarrhea and constipation.

  • 7/ A detoxifier and a purifier

The large amount of resveratrol in cassava makes it a good detoxifier and purifier for the body. This active ingredient reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) while improving blood circulation and increasing platelet production.

  • 8/ It’s an anti-inflammatory.

Cassava is an anti-inflammatory that relieves people with joint problems (rheumatism, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis).

It is also useful to fight against muscular, bone or tendon pain.

  • 9/ Good for bones

Rich in calcium, this starchy food is good for bones and teeth. The vitamin K in the leaves of cassava is excellent for the bones.

Cassava is used in people suffering from osteoporosis. It must be consumed from the age of 35 to avoid fractures or dislocations.

  • 10/ A wonderful immuno-stimulant

It’s effective to strengthen the immune system and cope with seasonal allergies thanks to the saponins it contains. Cassava can be used to disinfect wounds thanks to its bactericidal properties.

  • 11/ Ideal for pregnant women

Pregnant women are advised to consume cassava. Because it is rich in folic acid, which is very good for improving the health of mother and child.

Other information

How to choose it?

Preferably choose a medium sized, undamaged tuber. The cassava root should be hard, dry and clean.

Where to keep it?

Cassava should be stored away from air and light. It can be kept for a few days in the refrigerator. To keep it for more than a week, it is preferable to peel, cut and freeze it.

Le manioc contient-il du gluten ?

Cassava doesn’t contain gluten. This tuber may therefore be suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

What is your opinion on cassava?


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