Wedding at Cape Town of Shirley & Pelane in South Africa

Wedding at Cape Town of Shirley & Pelane in South Africa takes you on a trip to Cape Town, South Africa for the chic and elegant wedding of Shirley and Pelane.

They fell in love on the birthday party of a friend in common. When Shirley looked into Pelane’s eyes, she knew at that moment that he was his half. Discussions between friends, smiles, they exchange their numbers without knowing that fate had united. They got together afterwards. And they went through ups and downs.

As a matter of course, his companion makes his request at the airport on his birthday. After facing everything together, he knew she was the woman of his life. And Shirley answers him a big “yes. “

The lovers organized two weddings. A wedding in Cape Town simple, elegant and intimate. And another more traditional one that fused the Pedi and Sotho culture with their ethnicities.


The married ones


Crédit photos

  • Photographe : Dawid Botha
  • Lieu : Blue Horizon Estate
  • Robe : My unique wedding et Bonakele Vazi (Vazi Couture)
  • Maquillage : MUC – Tarryn Kemp
  • Costumes : Edgar (Witbank)
  • Style décoratif: Blue Horizon Estate
  • Des fleurs : Blue Horizon Estate
  • DJ : Louis – Night Fever Entertainment

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