Visit the seaside town of Kribi | Cameroon Travel

Visit the seaside town of Kribi | Cameroon Travel

Nicknamed the “azure coast of Cameroon” Kribi is a beautiful seaside resort, which attracts many tourists from around the world. With its beautiful white sand beaches, coconut trees, clear water and its proximity to the rainforest, Kribi la belle is a must to visit.

What to do on Kribi?

If you plan to go on holiday in Cameroon, we give you some ideas to discover in this beautiful city.

  • Take a ride in a dugout canoe to visit the villages around. Why not take the opportunity to visit the villages of the Pygmies.
  • Enjoy the beach of Kribi or that of Grand Batanga.
  • Watch a beautiful sunset.
  • Some fishermen approach you to propose you to eat a good fish braised directly on the beach.
  • Go admire the beautiful waterfalls of the lobe falls.
  • Visit the fishing ports of the region.
    Take a hike in the equatorial forest with a tour guide.

How to get there ?

If you leave, it’s Douala. Kribi is 2 hours away by bus with the company Centrale Voyage.

If your departure is Yaoundé. You leave by bus with the company Kribienne.

For lodging, there are many hotels at the beach, at varying prices. It is possible to find rooms at prices of 15 000 Fcfa.

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What do you think ? For those who left for Kribi, what is your opinion on this coastal city of Cameroon?

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