VG WAYMER a talented fashion illustrator

VG WAYMER a talented fashion illustrator
Fashion illustrator’s job is to represent fashion designs or clothing, to be published in a fashion magazine or poster.
Replaced by fashion photography, fashion illustrator’s craft is declining in advertising or magazines. But illustrators, full of talents are fighting for this artistic craft. And we are stunned by their talents.
Velicia VG Waymer is an illustrator and graphic designer from Boston, Massachusetts. Passionate about fashion, she decides to illustrate this universe in drawings. Influenced by renowned artists such as Antonio Lopez, Tony Viramontes, Patrick Nagel, Rene Gruau, Steven Stipleman, George Stavrinos, Kenneth Paul Block and David Downton, she continues to explore fashion illustration through both traditional and digital methods.
 After working as a graphic designer for many years, she presents her work in a book Dripbook and various social networks like FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. Many blogs and magazines such as Urban Bush Babes, AFROPUNK, Street Intel, The Royal Obsession and Draw a Do present his magnificent work
Gifted in painting, she studied at Pratt Institute in New York and New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University in Boston.
She was exhibited at the 670 Gallery in Hampton in 2016 and counts The New York Times and the Haitian-American fashion designer Azede Jean-Pierre among her growing list of clients.
In the field of illustration, VG understands that one thing remains the same.

You’ve got to give clientele whatthey want no matter the medium.”

Creativity, authenticity and pop that make someone buy your product.
In addition to writing a book, VG is currently preparing a line of unique hand-painted shoes.


  • photo crédit : VG Waymer
  • Her website :

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