Top 11 Afro hairstyles for black women | Black women haircuts

afro - petite ou grande coupe afro
Top 11 Afro hairstyles for black women | Black women haircuts.

Afro haircut is the most natural cut for black and mestizo women and men. Our hair often pulls upwards and forms a magnificent ball at the Jackson Five. Thanks to the Nappy Revolution, black women have become aware that their kinky hair is beautiful. Offering the stereotypes of society, they nurse and grow their frizzy hair to have a thick mane of lioness.

Different types of frizzy black hair


Small or large Afro Hairstyle

Depending on the length, the volume of your hair, you can opt for a small afro hairstyle or long and voluminous. For women, who think, that black hair does not grow. She is totally wrong. If you hydrate your hair well, put oils to feed them, drink enough water and especially with lots of patience and love, you can throw your weavings in the trash and proudly wear your beautiful afro haircut.
Why hide what God has given you? The difference is a good thing and makes our strength. The advantage of frizzy hair is that you have the wide range of choices among a multitude of hairstyles most fun to each other to wear.

How to style and care for frizzy black hair?

  • 1) After washing your hair thoroughly with shampoo, apply a nourishing cream.
  • 2) Untangle your hair well and comb it from bottom to top with a wide-toothed comb.
  • 3) Put some gel. For example, you can opt for aloe vera gel, it’s natural and it does not damage the hair. But you can also put essential oils nourishing “coconut oil”, that will do very well.
  • 4) With your fingers, give more volume to your hair and stylize your cut to form a pretty ball or crown around your face.
  • 5) If you can, spray your hair with water added to nourishing oils. The secret to having beautiful frizzy hair, moisturize to the maximum and nourish with essential oils, etc. Go to the heading of hair care, and you will find lots of tips.
  • 6) In the evening, before sleeping, comb your frizzy hair and make mats while moisturizing well.

Advantage of the afro haircut

  • Synonym of independence and pride.
  • Hairstyle of the black people.
  • A glamorous and revolutionary hairstyle. We say “NO” to the unjust dictates of society. Black frizzy hair is beautiful!
  • Reveals the natural beauty of the wearer.
  • It is a simple, practical cut that can be worn with any type of face. Yes, it is yourselves in the natural, without artifice.
  • It is easy to achieve and accessorize, and makes you original and trendy.
  • She grows her hair. I explain myself by taking care of your afro cut, you refuse prejudice and you love and take care of your hair.
  • Your hair feels and with patience, they make you feel good. You can see today in Africa, the West Indies, Afro-Latino or Afro-American, a lot of blacks with voluminous and long hair. There is no secret. Do you like to. As Martin Luther King said, on the day of his speech during the boycott of Montgomery buses, opt for the weapon of love.
  • With a large or small afro, it combines perfectly.

Solange Knowles was married on her wedding day with a fantastic afro cut. They roar like a lion. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL AND LIVE AFRO HAIRCUT! STOP TO SOCIAL PREJUDICES!
lupita-nyongo-afro-hairstyles-petite coupe afro

Coiffure ethnique afro
Coiffure afro-afrohairstyle

solange knowles AFRO HAIRSTYLE

 What do you think? If you have already worn the afro cup, let us share your photos and we will include you in our next article.

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