The weather presenter, Cécile Djunga, denounces racism

The weather presenter, Cécile Djunga, denounces racism 

Many people think that racism in Belgium does not exist, it is not true. (…) Racism must stop.”

In tears, Cécile Djunga, weather presenter of the public channel RTBF, denounced the racism she is a victim of everyday life in Belgium. Exhausted, saddened by all the racist comments she receives, Cécile uploads a 5-minute video on her Facebook page. Where, she makes a joke to denounce the racist and insulting remarks of which she is victim..

Yesterday at work, at the weather, there is a lady who called to say that I was too black, that we did not see anything on the screen, that we only saw my clothes and that I did not pass good on TV because I was too black and had to tell me.”
 It does not stop, it’s been a year that I do this job now and I’m tired of receiving racist messages, insulting. So, it starts to get angry, “indignant Cécile Djunga, very moved, in a video published on September 5. »
 It touches me, because I am a human being. It’s not funny […] I feel Belgian and I’m good in my country, because I’m in my country. »
Many people think that racism in Belgium does not exist, it is not true. (…) Racism must stop..”

Leaving her silence, the weather presenter wanted to wake up the consciences. By testifying, that racism in Belgium exists. She adds, there was Balance your pig “, now, we will have” Balance your con “, she adds. His video made the buzz on social networks. Viral, she has been seen more than 600,000 times and shared more than 24,000 times on Facebook. Many Internet users have supported the video of Cécile Djunga by testifying their support.

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