The benefits of plantain banana

The benefits of plantain banana

Whether in Africa, South America or the Caribbean, plantains are a popular, sun-drenched staple of exotic cuisine. With its mild, sweet taste, it is used to accompany meat and fish dishes.

Plantain banana presentation

Plantain, or Musa paradisiaca, is a plant in the Musaceae family. It belongs to the same family as the Musa sapientum banana. Larger than conventional bananas, it has a thicker skin. Green in color, it turns yellow or brown when ripe.

What are its characteristics?

First of all, there are 200 varieties of plantain in the world. It comes from a banana plant 3 to 10 m high. Its leaves can be up to 3 m long and 50 cm wide. Green in color, they turn yellow or brown when ripe. Its flesh is firm and has a thicker skin than the so-called sweet banana. Its taste is similar to that of the sweet potato.

  • Family: Musaceae ;
  • Origin : Southeast Asia ;
  • Season: available all year round;
  • Color: green to yellow;
  • Taste: sweet
  • Taste: similar to sweet potato

Where does it come from?

Native to Asia and the Pacific, it is grown in all tropical regions of the world. For example, it is grown in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. Plantains from Martinique, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador and Costa Rica are often found in supermarkets.

Its nutritional values

  • Rich in carbohydrates and starch;
  • High fiber content.
  • Rich in magnesium
  • Rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium and antioxidants
  • Excellent source of potassium;
  • Excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Satiating.
  • Very nourishing.
  • Rich in vitamins B6 and B9.
Calories 152 kcal
Carbohydrates glucides 36.7 g
Fiber 2.2 g
Protein 1.25 g
Potassium 431 mg
Vitamine C  20.2 mg

What’s the difference between bananas and plantains?

Firstly, the plantain is larger, thicker and longer than the classic banana, which is much thinner.

Secondly, it is eaten as a vegetable or starch. To eat a plantain, you either boil it if it’s green, or cook it if it’s yellow. The traditional banana, on the other hand, is eaten raw like a fruit, as it is sweeter.

Thirdly, it is less sweet and less rich in fiber and more rich in starch than the sweet banana.

Fourthly, it has more calories than sweet bananas. But plantains are a pure delight when cooked.

Fifthly, their colors are different. Plantains vary in color. They go from green to yellow to black. Traditional bananas are green to yellow.

Their similarity remains that they are both rich in carbohydrates and very energetic. But plantains are richer in carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, lipids and energy than traditional bananas.

What are the health benefits of plantains?

1/ An excellent source of energy

Plantains are a long-lasting source of energy for the body. If you’re tired, we recommend eating them. This advantage is due to its high carbohydrate and fiber content.

2/ Helps you feel fuller longer.

Another advantage of plantains is that they make you feel full. Rich in fiber, it keeps you feeling full longer.

3/ Reduces stress

If you’re often stressed, eating plantains can be very effective. The polyphenols and flavonoids found in plantains relieve the pain.

4/ Ideal for pregnant women

It contains folic acid and other folate group nutrients, such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin, which are essential for a baby’s nerve and brain growth in the womb.

5/ It’s a natural diuretic

Thanks to its high potassium content, it helps relieve pain and bloating during the menstrual cycle.

6/ Helps maintain gastrointestinal balance

Thanks to its low glucose content, plantain banana helps strengthen gastrointestinal balance. It also helps combat chronic diarrhea in infants and children.

7/ Protects the stomach.

Thanks to leucocyanidin, it protects the stomach against ulcers.

8/ Help in coping with Crohn’s disease.

Thanks to its high fiber content and antioxidant effects, plantains help to make up for the fiber deficiency that afflicts Crohn’s sufferers.

9/ Supports the immune system and natural defenses.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. Rich in vitamin C, eating plantains boosts the immune system and improves the body’s natural defenses. They also contain vitamin A, which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps regulate immune function.

10/ Strengthens the bones

Plantains are an excellent way to build strong bones. Thanks to their high potassium, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium content.

How do you eat it?

Plantains are eaten as a vegetable or starch to accompany meat, chicken, fish or other dishes. Basically, they can be boiled, fried or roasted. They can also be served as an aperitif or snack, and can also be used in place of other types of banana in desserts or savory dishes.

Green banana: boiled in water.

Yellow banana: cut into slices and fry or pan-fry.

Who can eat it?

It can be safely consumed by everyone, except those taking anticonvulsant medication.

How often do you do it?

You can consume it daily, but in moderation. 

Do plantains cause constipation?

No, it’s not constipating, thanks to the fiber and water it contains!

How do you store it?

Do not refrigerate. It can be kept in a cool, dry place for a few days. Shelf life depends on color and use. If the banana is yellow and ripe, it should be eaten quickly.

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