Thato Kgatlhanye & Rea Ngwane, two South Africans have created "solar backpacks" for schoolchildren in underprivileged villages

Thato Kgatlhanye & Rea Ngwane, two South Africans have created “solar backpacks” for schoolchildren in underprivileged villages

Many African countries suffer from a lack of infrastructure. Indeed, more than 80% of the rural population, about 600 million people do not have access to electricity. This lack is the source of many economic, health and environmental problems.
To get to school and go home, many children walk for miles. Many of them die as a result of traffic accidents on the side of the road due to lack of light and visibility. At home, due to lack of electricity, schoolchildren have struggled to be revised.
Highly sensitive to this problem, two high school girls from South Africa, Thato Kgatlhanye and Rea Ngwane, aged 18, decided to create backpacks equipped with solar panels “REPURPOSE SCHOOLBAGS. They decide to found their company named Rethaka. As you know, the sun is the main source of renewable energy. Its electromagnetic radiation conveys energy.

How do these solar panels backpacks work?
Repurpose Schoolbags are 100% recyclable school bags equipped with school sensors. Thanks to solar panels, these bags store sunlight during the day with their built-in battery. Once night falls, they can use energy as a torch to do their homework, but also as a means of lighting to light their way at night. These very useful bags are able to power a lamp for 12 hours.
The school bags are made from recycled plastic bags with solar technology. They are also designed with reflective materials to enhance children’s visibility and pedestrian safety for children going to or from school.

Thanks to their company Rethaka, the company employed 8 people full time. The factory of our young entrepreneurs is located in Rustenburg, South Africa. These people are responsible for the collection of plastic bags for delivery through the washing, sorting and assembly of “Repurpose Schoolbags”, said Reabetswe Ngwane. With their talent, young high school girls fight against unemployment by giving work to others.

This magnificent project is financed by public and private investors. He received the ANZISHA PRIZE which rewards young African entrepreneurs. An amount of $ 15,000 was given to him to support the development of his business.
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Africa is on the move. And, she will save herself only through her talents. So, knowledge is a weapon. Learn things and trust yourself. As parents, encourage your children to read books and store as much knowledge as possible.

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