Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Love is king!

Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Love is king!

For the better and for the worse until death separates us.. »

On Saturday, May 19th, in the Windsor Chapel in the UK, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said “yes” in the middle of 600 guests. The American TV star Suits and the second son of Princess Diana have united their hearts for life for the better and the worse. This royal wedding is a sign of modernity and freshness of the royal family. Magnetic gospel choral on the sound of “Stand by me” by B.b King, Givenchy French dress, say the pastor’s fiery course on love is king. Nothing was left to chance. The press from all over the world was present and sending these leading journalists to the UK to follow the wedding ceremony. This event was watched by 3 billion viewers..

The conduct of marriage of Prince Harry & Meghan

The guests arrive little by little since 10 o’clock in the morning. Then members of the royal family enter by car or on foot. The American bride and her mother cross the Long Walk, which leads to the castle, by car, in the middle of the crowded crowd.
At approximately 12:30 pm, Prince Harry, accompanied by his brother William, arrives at St. George’s Chapel. They walk to greet the public..

The entrance of Meghan and her mother with a dress of great elegance signed Givenchy.
Meghan and her mom Doria finally reach the chapel. At first, she walks alone in the driveway. Then Prince Charles, the future King of England, tenderly accompanies him to his future husband. Harry had tears of happiness. He said “you are sublime” to Meghan, with eyes overwhelmed by her beauty.. 

Sublime, elegant, the bride enters with an immaculate white dress Givenchy, with a long diaphanous veil, five meters, dotted with 53 flowers symbolizing each of the Commonwealth countries. The American star also wore a tiara offered in 1893 by Queen Victoria to Queen Mary and loaned by the present sovereign.
British Artistic Director Clare Waight Keller, of French Givenchy houses, created Meghan’s immaculate white dress. And Cartier, he provided earrings and bracelet.

An atypical religious ceremony with British, American and African American airs. Protocol and gospel are in the spotlight.

The religious ceremony begins around 1 pm This marriage will break with the royal custom, the bride has not promised “obedience” to her husband and this one, perhaps as a sign of equality, has chosen to carry an alliance like her. The fusion of classical music with Schubert and the power of gospel music will make this wedding atypical and majestic. 
African-American Reverend Michael Curry, President of the United States Episcopal Church, will mark this moment with a fiery sermon on love is King.  

He will begin his speech with the American leader of the civil rights struggle Martin Luther King: : 

Dr. King was right, we must discover love, the redeeming power of love. In this way we can make the old world a new world. Love is the only way. »

Then the gospel choir will sing “stand by me” and later sang This Little Light of Mine, a biblically inspired song used during the American civil rights struggle..

British musician Sheku Kanneh-Mason and musicians from three national orchestras performed Fauré and Schuber. There was also a Bible reading by Princess Diana’s sister..

At 2 pm, the service will end and the newlyweds will head to the exit where 200 guests from various charities are waiting for them. 

Prince Henry of Wales, sixth in the order of succession to the throne, becomes Earl of Dumbarton (Scotland) and Baron of Kilkeel (Northern Ireland), said the Buckingham Palace. After the wedding, Meghan will automatically become a duchess, but not a princess, because of her commoner origins.
The spouses will ride in a carriage for more than 25 minutes in the streets of Windsor, under the shouts of joy of tens of thousands of people gathered along the route.

The princely couple Duc and Duchess of Sussex will head to Frogmore House where a very private reception will begin with 200 guests.
Royal wedding with celebrities and prestigious guests

  • This fantastic wedding has received many stars. There was :
  • Actors Idriss Elba and George Clooney
  • The couple Victoria and David Beckam
  • The musician Elton John
  • Tennis player Serena Williams
  • American television star Oprah Winfrey
  • The actors of the Suits series and more.

Lovers will later make a honeymoon in Botswana. Harry loves Africa. He said in an interview that his dream is to live in Africa. It is a continent, which he feels good, since the death of his mother, Princess Diana.

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