Nollywood: actress Mercy Johnson gives birth to 4th child

Nollywood: actress Mercy Johnson gives birth to 4th child

Famous Nollywood actress Mercy Johnson Okojie gave birth to her fourth child in the United States. The baby is a girl who was born at the St. Joseph Medical Center in Maryland in the United States.

Her husband, Prince Okojie, is thrilled. He announced the great news on Instagram.

«Every Good and Perfect gift is from God. The wait is finally Over, Please share in Our Joy as we announce the arrival of Our Daughter.
Divine-Mercy Ehinomen Okojie.», Okojie said on Instagram.


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Every Good and Perfect gift is from God. The wait is finally Over, Please share in Our Joy as we announce the arrival of Our Daughter. Divine-Mercy Ehinomen Okojie.

Une publication partagée par Prince Odi Okojie (@princeodiokojie) le

In an Instagram post on December 18, 2019, the actress revealed that she was pregnant with her fourth baby. For her, it’s a dream come true.

«❤❤JI’ve always wanted 4 but, after 3 kids, I thought I had retired from the baby-making business, »

« So a while back, we found out we had a baby on the way. I can’t explain the joy and peace expecting our new baby has brought, or the cravings for food that have followed.»

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