Ivory Coast cooking: the 7 traditional dishes of Ivory Coast



Ivory Coast cooking: the 7 traditional dishes of Ivory Coast

Afroculture.net trains you to the discovery of the traditional dishes of Ivory Coast. Indeed, the Ivorian cuisine is a very varied cuisine, because its regions present a great diversity. With its national dishes, you will find there for all flavors and tastes.

  • 1/ The Attieké fish or meat.

Attieké is a very popular dish in Abidjan. It is accompanied by fish or meat of cassava couscous and plantain.

  • 2/ Chicken Kedjenou

 It is a flagship of Côte d’Ivoire, which is celebrated in the song of Magic System. It can be served with rice, couscous or attiéké, it can also be cooked with fish with tomato sauce or poultry meat. Bush (agouti, doe) It is fast and simple to make.

  • 3/ Placali sauce okra

Very popular in Abidjan, the placali is a very delicious dish. It is prepared by pouring and turning the cassava flour into boiled water until a compact, homogeneous and very elastic dough is obtained. It is accompanied by okra, fish or meat sauce. It can also be served with peanut sauce or palm nut sauce with shrimp.

  • 4/ Fish with clear sauce.

On special occasions, in some areas of Côte d’Ivoire, you can eat fish with a clear sauce. In the clear sauce, there is a spice very well known in Africa, the Akpi (Côte d’Ivoire) or njansan in Cameroon. It is an almond derived from a fruit tree of the tropical forest, the djansang, taxon Ricinodendron heudelotii. It is used as a flavor enhancer in African cuisine of forest peoples.

  • 5/ Braised chicken.

Braised chicken is a well-known dish throughout Africa, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. It is eaten with plantains or rice.

  • 6/ Sokossoko of beef

It is a meal that consists of beef stir fry with onions and tomato. It is quick to do when you want to save time.

  • 7/ Garba (Ivory Coast)

Garba is one of the national dishes of the Ivory Coast. It consists of cassava semolina and fried red tuna.

Do you like it! If you know of other Ivorian dishes, feel free to give your opinion.


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