Impressive benefits of bissap, ginger and baobab juice

Les vertus et bienfaits des jus de Bissap, jus de gingembre et jus de baobab
Exotic fruits and plants have non-negligible virtues. Do not forget it! It is very important to consume locally. Nature is a gift from heaven, so let us love our planet, like ourselves.

Impressive benefits of bissap, ginger and baobab juice

1. Bissap juice
jus de bissap
Bissap juice is a red colored drink, which is consumed enormously in Africa. It is prepared from dried sabdariffa hibiscus flowers (chalices). There are 30,000 varieties.
In Senegal, bissap is a national drink. In North Africa, particularly in Egypt and Sudan, it is a very popular beverage. The bissap is a privileged drink on holidays. For example, in Jamaica or elsewhere, during the Christmas celebrations, one consumes bissap juice.
The advantage of this drink is that it is easy to make, accessible and not very expensive. In addition, it has many consumers around the world and has health benefits.
Various uses  of flowers, leaves, seeds of hibiscus:

  • Consumed in a traditional hot or cold beverage.
  • It can be drunk in the form of fruit juice, tea, herbal tea, syrup or mixed with sodas.
  • It can be transformed into jelly, jam, wine or vinegar. But also, in flour or oil. It is an excellent substitute for meat.
  • Used as a colorant in the food and pharmaceutical industries and as an oil in the composition of soaps and cosmetics.
  • It is widely used by Indian women, to promote hair growth. Indeed, it strengthens and reduces hair loss. It combats dandruff and makes the hair thicker. Also, it is used as hair dyes when mixed with henna
The different names of bissap juice
Bissap (Senegal), Dabileni (Mali, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso), Tsobo or Zobo (Nigeria), Sobolo (Ghana) or Wonjo West Africa
Groseille Guadeloupe
Sorrel In Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago
Red sorrel Off the Caribbean
Jamaïque Sorrel n the USA
Agua de la Jamaique ou agua de flor de la Jamaique Latin America
Arhul ka phool India
Karkadé ou carcadet Egypt, Sudan, Italy and Russia
Chai Kujarat Irak
Chai Torsh Iran

Bissap juice and health
Bissap juice is a drink, which is widely used in traditional medicine to cure the health of men.
Rich in protein, lipids, minerals, Vitamin C, antioxidant.
Decrease in blood pressure : Bissap juice is very effective in reducing blood pressure. That is, it allows the reduction of cardiovascular disease. According to several studies, it is strongly advised to drink several cups of hibiscus tea to lower its blood pressure.
In July 2004, a study published in “Phytotherapy” found that the subjects lowered their blood pressure by consuming an infusion prepared with 10 grams of dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa for 4 weeks.
In January 2009, the study published in “Journal of Human Hypertension” showed that patients with type 2 diabetes who had been drinking hibiscus tea twice a day experienced a reduction in their systolic blood pressure.
Control property on cholesterol: : Bissap juice can help better control cholesterol levels in the body.
According to the Center for New Crops and Plant Products at Purdue University, hibiscus tea can greatly reduce the viscosity of the blood. Several studies have confirmed that consuming hibiscus helps to lower or maintain cholesterol levels.
In June 2010, a study published in “Phytotherapy” states that patients who have suffered from metabolic syndromes experienced a reduction in cholesterol after taking a daily dose of 100 grams of sabdariffa hibiscus in powdered extract
Other medicinal uses:

  • 1 / Relieves digestive disorders. It is very useful to help the patient when he has stomach aches and digestive disorders.
  • 2 / Helps maintain a healthy heart. Indeed, the flowers of hibiscus contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties.
  • 3 / Treats cough and lack of appetite.

Where to buy bissap?
It is possible to find bissap in organic stores or exotic grocery stores. If you have the chance to travel, you can find it with ease in different countries of West Africa.

2. Ginger juice

Ginger tea with honig and lemin
For a very long time, ginger has been consumed all over the world. It is a plant originally from Asia. It is a plant that grows in all tropical countries (India, China, Nigeria, Jamaica, Haiti, Australia). It is known for its medicinal and gastronomic properties.
Ginger can be taken in various forms, in capsules, in powder, in herbal teas, fresh or in syrup.

We can cite several benefits of ginger in health:

  •  Precious aphrodisiac in sexual life. It is very effective in fighting sexual weakness, premature ejaculation. It cures impotence and tones the areas of sex.
  • Fight against respiratory problems. Drinking or eating ginger can be very effective in fighting against colds, coughs or respiratory symptoms (asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, etc.) related to environmental allergies.

Dr. Krishna’s study at Odense University in Denmark on a group of patients with arthritis shows the health benefits of ginger. They took ginger in small doses for three months.
How to do ? You should chew a piece of fresh ginger when you have a cold or other respiratory problems.

  • Fight against viral diseases such as influenza.
  • Excellent analgesic against discomfort and pain. If you have a headache, backache, toothache or earache, ginger can be helpful in relieving all your ailments.
  • Improves stomach performance. It improves digestion and reduces bloating. It is useful for reducing various disorders of the digestive system. It combats colic, nausea, vomiting, spasms, dyspepsia, flatulence, etc.

How to do ? You should chew a piece of fresh ginger after meals and when you suffer from certain stomach aches.

  • Relieves menstrual discomfort. Ginger relieves women who suffer from menstrual cramps.

How to do ? Women should drink a cup of ginger honey tea where they can apply a towel impregnated with hot ginger tea to their lower abdomen.

  • Very useful for dealing with infectious diseases. For centuries, ginger is used as an antibiotic to cope with cholera, whooping cough, diarrhea and chest congestion.

How to do ? For example, it is possible to take a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with a decoction cup of fenugreek with honey.

  • Improves blood circulation. It prevents fat from settling in the arteries and helps to improve blood circulation. In addition, ginger removes dangerous blood clots.

This fact has been verified by the studies of Dr. Charles R. Dorso of Cornell Medical College. Dr. Dorso explains that ginger has an active agent that chemically resembles aspirin.

  • Reduces the various inflammations thanks to these anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Strengthens immunity. Drinking ginger enhances immunity through its antioxidant properties.
  • Relieves stress. Due to its soothing properties, ginger tea reduces stress and tension.

3. Baobab juice or Bouye juice

Various appellations: baobab juice, Monkey bread, Bouye (wolof)
The baobab juice is an unctuous and acidulated juice, made from the decoction of the white pulp of the fruits of the baobab tree. The baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a tree, of the bombaceae family, which can live between 500 and 2000 years. It can measure up to 20 meters high and is found in Africa in tropical areas. In Africa, especially in Senegal, women make ice creams with baobab juice and sell them in school outlets, bus stations, stadiums or markets. It is a true emblem in Senegal.
It is a cheap and very accessible fruit in Africa. It can be eaten in the form of fruit, juice and oil.
This juice is a rage in England and in many countries for its virtues and health benefits.
It is rich in vitamins C, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, magnesium. It contains 2 times more calcium than milk, 6 times more vitamin C than orange and is a good antioxidant.

  • Improves concentration.
  • A source of invigorating energy.
  • Support the immune system.
  • Controls blood sugar.
  • Maintain the nervous system.
  • Protects and cares for skin and hair.
  • Boosts the iron level in the human body.
  • Source of polyphenols easily assimilated to the body.
  • Reduces assimilation of carbohydrates. Indeed, it helps to reduce carbohydrates of certain foods both in vitro and in vivo, “according to researchers at Oxford Brookes University (UK) and the Monash University (Australia). It also reduces the blood sugar of white bread, according to several studies.

The various uses of leaves, fruits, Baobab peel 
The baobab leaves:

  • They can be eaten boiled.
  • In Senegal, it incorporates dried baobab leaves (“lalo”) in cereals or sauces.
  • In Mali, children eat baobab seeds as sweets.
  • Fight against malaria. The patients drink a decoction of baobab leaves in traditional medicinal herbal teas.

 The fruits of the baobab:

  • The pulp of the baobab fruit is used to fight against malaria.
  • It is an anti diarrheal. In Africa, the decoction of the dry pulp of the baobab juice is an anti diarrhea.
  • The pulp of fresh or dried fruit mixed with water creates boabab juice or monkey bread.

The seeds of the baobab:

  • They are consumed to grill.
  • The seeds make soap and fertilizer.
  • The seeds are extracted to make oils.
  • They are also used to replace coffee.

The Bark of the Baobab: 

  • The bark is used as a febrifuge.
  • It makes it possible to make ropes.

 In the food and cosmetics industry:

  • The seeds make soap and fertilizer.
  • The bark is used to make ropes.
  • The sap is useful for making paper.
  • The leaf is used as fodder for livestock during the dry season.
  • The baobab oil is created through the extraction of the fruit seed from the baobab tree. These oils are effective in fighting eczema, psoriasis, etc. Baobab fruit oils and powders are widely used in the cosmetics industry.
  • For the skin and hair, baobab oil, rich in vitamins A, D, E and K, is a powerful 

 Where to buy and consume?
Unfortunately, it is difficult to find baobab juice. However, you can find them in Africa, if you have the chance to travel. Where in organic or exotic stores in the form of fruits or powder. In some African restaurants, you can drink baobab juice or monkey bread in the form of sugary drinks. 

This article fits perfectly into the slogan of our site “Feed your roots and take control of your future.” Many Africans or Caribbeans no longer consume local products from their homes in favor of industrial beverages, which are often stuffed with sugars. Exotic fruits and products have enormous virtues. Do not overlook your riches, protect your trees by reforesting. Cherish your plants. Nature is a gift from heaven, so let us love our planet, like ourselves. What do you think ? Your opinion counts.

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