I am sterile, is marriage possible for me? | Testimony
Hello, my name is Tamara. Due to some problems, I had to have a hysterectomy, and now I can not have children anymore. Part of my uterus was removed. Since then, I am completely destroyed. I’m afraid I have no chance to get married one day. Who would want a woman like me? Unable to give him children. I’m depressed, down and I think I’m not good enough for someone. In my head, I wonder why it’s happening to me. Who would really love me despite this? I do not want a long-term relationship with a man, because I know in advance that he will want to have children. And I can not give it to him, so I feel like everything is played against me in advance. How can I inflict this on him?
I see a counselor and it’s great, but I still wonder what’s good for me? Someone with children who has lost a wife or can be a divorced man? Who knows ?
I have a hard time seeing my colleagues with their children. They are happy in their marriages. They are lucky to have been able to give life. So that I am deprived of this magnificent gift of God. It’s impossible for me to let a man love me. I always spoil everything with a man, when I feel that he wants to engage. Obviously, this is a problem for me and I can not talk to my advisor about it, I still need some time.
But, I tell myself that everything happens for a reason. Some days are easier than others, I accept my condition. I pray to God that he gives me the strength to overcome this ever-increasing pain.
Will you be able for love to marry a woman who will never be able to give you children? Thank you for your testimony.