Eva Sonaike – African Luxury Interiors
Eva Sonaike is a designer specializing in traditional African textiles. Based in London, she launched her company in 2007 and focuses on luxury home textiles & accessories. Passionate about interior decoration, Eva Sonaike mixes African fabrics with quality fabrics such as velvet, leather to make cushions, bags, notebooks and elegant armchairs.
In order to give a second life to antique and retro furniture, she draws on her German and Nigerian origins to stay at the forefront of originality. In addition, these products use fabrics such as the Yoruba Aso Oke, a vibrant woven fabric often reserved for special occasions such as weddings and religious festivals, which it merges with the Wax fabric.
For a chic interior decoration, I advise you to sublimate your apartment or house with its textiles and accessories afro chics.

Photo credit :
- Designer & Founder : Eva Sonaike
- Website : www.evasonaike.com
- Adress : Liberty, Fenwick et Selfridges à Londres et Temple Muse au Nigéria.
- Cushion prices : £ 69- £ 75
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African Luxury InteriorsEva Sonaike - African Luxury InteriorsEva Sonaike African Textile & Accessories