Discover the Gcwihaba Caves in Botswana

Discover the Gcwihaba Caves in Botswana

When you visit Botswana, the Gcwihaba Caves are a must-see tourist attraction. In this wild and picturesque place, you plunge into the heart of the origins of humanity, which have been part of the Kalahari landscape for 2 million years. In 1974, the scientific study by Cooke and Ballieul revealed that the cave contains sediments for regional paleoclimatic reconstruction. Following major archaeological discoveries, bones and fossils have been discovered.

The characteristics of these picturesque caves.

 It is an underground labyrinth with caves and wells. The caves can be up to 10 metres high, with a wide range of sizes. This system has two large cavernous entrances and a rich variety of secondary cave formations such as stalactites and stalagmites. 

Some caves are so tiny, that visitors have to bend, crash, crawl on their belly to get through. The linked passages are stalagmites and stalactite formations. The stalactites measure up to 6 meters high. They form columns that support the ceiling of the cave.

Additional Information.

On the cave walls, there are thousands of bats, which are totally harmless. Be careful, do not approach them too much, otherwise you have to face a horde of bats flying above your heads.

What are the different activities to do at Gcwihaba Caves?

  • 1) Walk in the underground labyrinth of the cave.
  • 2) Visit and discovery of bats

After each visit, the cave is closed to protect the composition of the indoor air.

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