Believe in yourself: develop your natural gifts. Yes, we can!

Believe in yourself: develop your natural gifts. Yes, we can!

Many people seek safety by going to work in areas that do not match them. Unhappy, they say they have no choice. True, they make money. But, they are not flourishing in their lives. They constantly ask questions by asking themselves:

Who are they really? What is the purpose of their lives? How can one change one’s destiny and take control of one’s destiny? What is my place in the world? In what area, I can be an added value unavoidable. “

Some work a lifetime. And they find themselves unemployed overnight. Others finish their studies and can not find any work. Other people galley by doing odd jobs to make ends meet. For the lucky ones, they have a great job with a decent salary, but they hate their jobs. They want to leave everything, but they are afraid of insecurity. They ask themselves questions constantly, but if I stop, I will run out of money. And I could no longer live as I would like. But money can be a force, but also be a brake. When we look at the world, some people go to degrading universes. But they do not realize that at the same time they lose something very precious “their integrity, their honor, their dignity”.

First advice: believe in you and never give up.

In these times of crisis, we can not trust the world. It is clear that the word security has no longer any value. Look at the state of Spain, Greece, Italy and many other countries. How did they get there? We see constantly on TV, people who lose all hope in life, hope in themselves. Some even go so far as to immolate themselves by fire, because they are in situations they can no longer control. Endangered, lost, they lost faith in themselves. They want to end it with life and disappear.
In my opinion, I think the first thing to do is to focus on oneself. If you are in a difficult time, it may not be by chance. Misfortune is sometimes the hidden face of a greater happiness. Nothing serves to destroy one’s mind by saying to oneself: “I am nothing,” “I know nothing,” “I will never escape,” “It is finished for me, Have no choice “.
Get rid of all these bad thoughts. Do not lose hope in life and concentrate on yourself. Certainly, you are unemployed, but you still breathe. And, as long as there is life, there is hope. Take a paper and a pencil, write down all that comes to mind. Mark your strengths and weaknesses. And there you will see more clearly. I think every person in this earth has a natural gift. A gift they have since childhood. An inexplicable gift they make without thinking. Try to find out what natural gift God has given you and dare. What have you got to lose?

Second advice: develop your natural gifts and invest on yourself.

Many parents want their children to become lawyers or doctors. But they forget that everyone has his way and everyone has his destiny. If your child is gifted in a sport, encourage it. By imposing it in parallel to be good at school. Same, if your daughter is a great dancer or an excellent cook, support her. Do not take away his dreams. We see today that there are no longer any rules. Times have changed and by dint of working no matter what the field, we can succeed.
We see more and more people getting rich and succeeding by creating a channel on You tube, a blog or even playing video games. Others flourish and become renowned footballers or singers. Others, even without diplomas, become great entrepreneurs. But how do they do it? They believe in themselves. And, do everything to achieve their dreams. Become aware that you are a treasure. Each one has a definite place in this world. So it’s up to you to find out what your added value is and then invest on yourself.
Today everything is possible, so believe in yourself. Nothing is impossible with God. So with faith, patience and perseverance, every being on earth can move mountains.

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