8 sexy black men without beards



8 sexy black men without beards

You’re tired of your beard and you want to change style, do not hesitate and shave everything. Although it is true that we have observed in recent years to a return in force of the beard. If you want to have a more neat and clean look, you can shave your beard up close.
In corporate world or in some trades, men are more likely to shave their beards. Many women also find more attractive men without beard, but all tastes are in nature.
It is up to you to choose the style of beard that will suit you best. Consider the features of your face or hair, and choose whether you are better with or without a beard.

7 reasons to shave your beard.

  • 1 / Having a beard in good condition takes a lot of time. So to save time, you want to shave everything.
  • 2 / It’s too hot, it’s summer and you prefer to shave your beard to be more comfortable.
  • 3 / You are looking for a job, and you have noticed that employers prefer men without a beard. Indeed, in many companies, leaders prefer shaven-headed men.
  • 4 / Your wife can not stand your beard. She’s tired that it stings every time you kiss her. And then, it’s very attractive and sexy a man without a beard.
  • 5 / You want to look younger.
  • 6 / You’re fed up, that when you eat foods end up in your beard.
  • 7 / You are tired of your children shooting and having fun with your beard.

Image tutorial to shave your beard






arrives at the 30th anniversary Carousel of Hope Ball to benefit the Barbara Davis center for childhood diabetes held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on October 25, 2008 in Beverly Hills, California.




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