7 benefits of Aloe Vera for hair


7 benefits of Aloe Vera for hair

Aloe Vera is a plant of the Liliaceae family (like garlic, onion, chives, asparagus or leek), native to the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. It is a plant whose benefits have been recognised since the dawn of time for its soothing and beneficial properties for humans. There are more than 200 species of aloe in the world.

Uses of aloe vera for hair.

Excessive exposure to dust, sun and pollution makes your hair very dry, brittle and damaged.  Aloe Vera is useful for all hair types, especially for dry and damaged hair.

  • 1/ Promote hair growth.

 If you want to grow your hair, aloe vera can help. Rich in proteolytic enzymes, aloe gel removes sebum, leaving the scalp clean and causing hair to grow.
How to use it?
Accelerate hair growth by massaging aloe into the scalp, leave for 30 minutes, and rinse. You can use aloe in liquid or gel form to get a full head of hair.

  • 2/ Fight dry hair.

Aloe vera will help you get rid of dry hair and improve the blood circulation process. 
How to do it?
Apply aloe vera with jojoba oil to keep your scalp healthy.

  • 3/ To control hair loss and deal with baldness.

To prevent hair loss, the use of Aloe Vera helps to strengthen the hair by making it stronger and thicker.  It helps you to slow down baldness, but not to regrow hair, if it has been there for a long time. But this is a very long process.
How to do it? Testimonial.
A man applied the Green Health aloe vera he bought in a pharmacy. He mixed it with argan oil, then began to coat his entire head.
RESULT: He did it for 5 years. And, he noticed that his hair is harder and stronger
Another recipe: apply coconut oil + lemon + aloe vera on the scalp for better results.


  • 5/ Maintenir le niveau d’équilibre PH.

Aloe Vera has alkaline properties, which help to maintain the scalp and hair pH level. This keeps the hair moisturised and allows for hair growth.

  • 6/ Healing scalp psoriasis.

Aloe Vera has properties to soothe and heal scalp psoriasis and seborrhea.

  • 7/ Reduce dandruff and itching of the scalp.

For centuries, Aloe Vera has been widely used to cure dandruff. It has enzymatic skin cell degrading and antifungal properties, which help to reduce dandruff on the scalp.
What to do?
Mix aloe vera juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Massage into the scalp and rinse.

What do you think?
Do you use aloe vera for your hair? Feel free to share your experience with us.

Tags : Aloe Vera

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