3 Benefits of Okra for Diabetes and Cholesterol


3 Benefits of Okra for Diabetes and Cholesterol

Originally from Africa and India, okra is a vegetable or condiment, fruit of a tropical flowering plant of the family Malvaceae. Rich in fiber, vitamins A, C and antioxidants, okra has enormous health benefits for men.

1 / It is a natural hypoglycemic agent to deal with diabetes.

All this information is for information purposes only. Don’t forget to seek the advice of a doctor.

Okra must be consumed to regulate diabetes, which is a disease related to a carbohydrate assimilation disorder, with blood sugar and urine. Hyperglycemia is called when the blood glucose level is high. Thanks to its high fiber content, consuming okra is useful for controlling blood sugar by changing the way the intestines absorb sugar.

In a 2011 laboratory study published in the Journal Pharmacy & BioAllied Sciences, Indian researchers found that diabetic mice fed dried and ground okra skins and skins suffered a reduction in their blood sugar, while others showed a gradual decrease in their blood sugar diet of okra extract for about ten days.

In addition to scientific research, many people with diabetes have reported a decline in blood glucose after eating okra.


I had blood sugar and the result was this one. 207. I consumed Okombo for two weeks in a row; after 2 weeks result 117. Thank you for your advice. “


2 / Helps to lower the level of sugar in the blood.

Okra has insulin-like properties that lower the level of sugar in the blood. This is due to fiber and vitamin C contained in okra. For example, Eugenol fiber helps stabilize blood sugar by limiting the rate at which sugar is absorbed. A 2011 study published by the National Biotechnology Center in the pharmacy journal and BioAllied Sciences explains that dried, ground okra peels and seeds have favored lowering glucose levels in diabetic mice. Also, many people with diabetes have reported decreasing blood sugar levels after soaking okra pieces in the water overnight and then drinking the juice in the morning while in Turkey okra seeds roasts have been used as a traditional diabetes medicine for generations.

In case of diabetes: drinking a herbal tea with the dry seeds of okra helps to fight diabetes.

3 / Reduce cholesterol levels.

Consuming okra helps lower cholesterol. Cholesterol is a lipid that comes in two subcategories, blood cholesterol and cholesterol in the form of fat always present in the body, from food. It is important to have good cholesterol. Because the bad cholesterol is due to too high a cholesterol level in the blood.

Indeed, according to the study of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar in collaboration with the Institute of Food Technology of Dakar. They discovered that okra contains soluble fiber pectin (pectin, mucilage, gums, alginates), which helps lower cholesterol.

Nutritionist researchers attribute to okra the virtue of lowering cholesterol levels by 30 to 50%.

According to a 2014 study published in Phytotherapy research, okra lowers cholesterol levels in laboratory mice with diabetes. Foods with high fiber and antioxidant qualities are recommended for diabetics because they lower cholesterol.

How to consume it?

Drink okra water.

  • Take 3 or 4 okra.
  • Cut both ends of the okra, then divide them into three parts.
  • Put them in a pot filled with water or dip them in a glass of water.
  • Let them rest all night.
  • When you wake up, drink this water 30 minutes before your breakfast, do not throw the sticks of the okra.
  • Prepare and eat okra sauce regularly.
  • Cut the peels of okra and consume them in salad.

In Africa, okra is eaten in various dishes. Feel free to taste the okra sauce or dishes that use this vegetable.

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