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Red Lipsticks for Black Women


Sensual, glamorous, chic, red lipstick is the ideal color to sublimate the magnificent woman that sleeps in you.
Red Lipsticks for Black Women

“Red”, for black women! 
Yes, black women can wear red lipstick. Times have changed and we must stop following the prejudices, racism and lack of confidence of some people.
Black is beautiful,” many black women shout out this slogan with pride. So prove it and be proud of who you are. The first thing to know is that beauty is first of all interior. You have to love yourself and your love for yourself will project outward. We are in a society where black women and men are not yet well represented in fashion magazines and on television (black = invisible minority). But, do not dramatize, because things change little by little. We have icons of beautiful beauties, talented designers, great sportsmen, intellectuals, who show that the black people are advancing and fighting with pride against the prejudices of this planet.
Yes we can”, who would have thought that one day there will be a black president at the White House.  Well let’s go back a little more in our subject. 

Why wear red lipstick?

Red is a beautiful color. It is a classy, classy color that sublimes and embellishes women. Red is also the color of seduction. It attracts the eye and makes you beautiful and desirable. This is the perfect color, to make you notice your prince charming. But, it is necessary to respect certain essential rule not to resemble a clown. (Mdrr) It is very important to choose the right “red” color, which fits your skin tone, the color of your hair and the size of your lips.  

But how to do it ? What are the steps to go to find your ideal lipstick?

  • Choose the right shade of “red”

The first thing to know is that there are many shades of red. Indeed, the shades of red can go towards blue, yellow, pink, purple or orange. When you try your lipstick, you have to agree to do several tests before you find your ideal shade.
Moreover, don’t let yourself be intimidated by the different lipstick textures (matt, varnish, creamy abrupt, transparent, etc.)
How to check?

  • Tip 1: When you try your lipstick. Bring with you your mirror to check that the color is fine. Try as many lipsticks as possible to find the color that will illuminate your face. Yes, it is necessary to “avoid”, to choose a color that can make you resemble the Joker of Batman (Mdrr)
  •  Tip 2: When you are in a store, you can also slide the stick on your finger or at the back of the hand, to see if the color is good.
  • Tip 3: If you have thin lips, avoid deep reds. They will give the effect that you have lips too small.
  • Tip: For black skins, a “red” lipstick, which tends to red-purple, burgundy or purple will be fine. For the lighter skins, a red, with a blue note is great.


  • Choose your lip pencil carefully.

It is very important to choose a lip pencil, which will marvelously marinate with your lipstick.

  • Promote a light eye makeup!

Do not overload your eyes! The goal is to draw your eyes to your mouth.

  • What is the perfect method to apply lipstick?

In my opinion, no rule is necessary to apply lipstick. Some women use their fingers or brushes. Others are more adept at the tubes. The choice depends on everyone. The bottom line is that your lipstick is well set and sublime your face.

  • Moisten your lips with a balm, before applying the lipstick.
  • Draw the outline of the lips with a pencil.
  • You can choose either a pencil color from your red or a brown pencil or darker, which fits your skin.
  • Lay your lipstick from the inside of the lip to the outside.
  • You can put powder or apply a gloss for a brighter effect.


Caution: if your upper and lower lips do not have exactly the same color, you can use a corrective pencil, the color of which is as close as possible to that of the skin, on the lighter lip. Secondly, you can also, put a touch of foundation and a transparent powder veil before laying the lipstick.
On the other hand if you have wounded or very dry lips, call our famous shea butter. 

  • Don’t use lipstick as a blush!

If you still want to do it. Dab a few dots on the cheeks and mix.

  • Coordinate your outfit with your makeup!

The red is a flashy, shiny color, which quickly attracts the look. Indeed, the choice of the outfit is essential. Above all, one must not skid and resemble a vulgar woman without elegance.
Alexander explains:

 The red color is an ultimate touch of elegance that attracts the eyes towards a luscious mouth, but when the man descends his eyes, the woman as a whole must exude elegance, otherwise it can turn to the vulgar. “

Red blends well with black. A pretty black dress or a suit will do the trick. Many evening gowns ally perfectly with the lipstick. A casual outfit with nice jeans, simple shoes go very well too. 

  • Treat your teeth!

Your teeth must be impeccable, they must be white and neat. Make sure that the lipstick does not stick to your teeth.
Tip # 1: Insert a clean finger into your mouth, close your lips around it, then pull your finger. This will allow you to remove excess lipstick inside.
Tip # 2: To minimize a yellow dominant to the teeth, try the lipstick with a bluish shade.
Tip # 3: To prevent your lipstick from staining your glass, discreetly lick your lips and drink a sip. 
To keep the lipstick in place!
You have to fill the lips with the lip pencil. This will unify the color and lengthen the life of your red. If you have purchased a product that does not suit you. Keep it ! Do not throw it away, because you can color the lips with a darker liner, to make it less bright or make lipstick blends.
Below are examples of black women wearing red lipstick
Black skin with red lipstick

So friends, black is beautiful!
Have you ever tried red lipstick?


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