Michel Zecler case : a music producer beaten up by police officers


Michel Zecler case : a music producer beaten up by police officers

On November 21, 2020, Michel Zecler, a black music producer, quietly returns to his studio in the 17th arrondissement at around 7:45 p.m. The problem is that he is not wearing a mask. When he enters his premises, he is followed, stopped and beaten up by several white policemen. He was punched, kicked, and bludgeoned on the head. At the same time he is subjected to racist insults. 

Fortunately for Michel, this surreal scene of incredible violence was filmed. Because his studio is equipped with video surveillance cameras. Why this violence on the part of the police? We frankly don’t understand. The George Flyod affair still does not serve as a lesson. How long will this police violence last? These gratuitous acts of violence of a racist nature are harming the police. Because we know that there are also good police officers who do their jobs well. And this police violence harms the whole profession.

The saddest thing is that these policemen, after beating up Michel, lied about trying to make it look like an assault for rebellion. They also accused the victim of possession of drugs and stealing their weapons. But their lies, thank God, were disproved by the video surveillance images.

The four police officers were suspended pending disciplinary proceedings. The Public Prosecutor “s Office dismissed the case against the music producer. The case was sent to the IGPN. The victim, accompanied by her lawyer, decided to file a complaint and was heard by the police.

Who is Michel Zecler?

Michel Zecler, is a 41-year-old black man, music producer at Black Gold Studios. His music studio is located in the 17th district of Paris.

On November 21, Mr. Zecler thought that these last hours on earth were counted. He was scared and kept shouting for help.

“At that moment, I am afraid. I tell myself that today is my last day. That’s what I tell myself. It’s my last day, I don’t know why.”

Frightened, Michel thought they weren’t real policemen and shouts and asks for help.

“There are people passing by, I try to challenge everyone. I shout for help! What’s going on? Honestly, it’s going so fast that I wonder if they’re real policemen at that moment.”

He tries to dialogue with them and receives racist insults.

“When I talk to him, I try to explain it to him and then what does he say? Dirty nigger! Shut the fuck up! We’re gonna fuck you up!”

These policemen also hit the 9 young musicians who were recording in the studio.

Indignation of Internet users and celebrities following the Zecler affair.

Many Internet users and celebrities have denounced police violence on social networks following the case of the music producer. People are shocked by these gratuitous acts of violence and racist insults.


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Une publication partagée par Kylian Mbappé (@k.mbappe)



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Une publication partagée par Aïssa Maïga (@aissamaiga)


This event makes a lot of noise following the article 24 of the proposal for a law on global security, which prohibits the diffusion of images of police officers. Many people in France are demonstrating all over France against this bill.

It must be emphasized that in the case of Michel Zecler, George Flyod and so many other victims of police violence, the camera was a real asset in showing the truth and the injustice suffered by the victims.

Michel Zecler specified that he has police friends and he specified on the set of TPMP on channel C8.

“I don’t want things to get mixed up (…) and put all the police officers in the same boat,” concludes #Michel, who was hit by police officers last week. #TPMP

So please don’t generalize. There are good and bad in all professions. We all have police friends who do excellent work and are honest. Don’t confuse them with those who comment on injustices and violence against innocent people and smear an entire profession.


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