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Cameroon Food: 16 culinary specialties from Cameroon to taste absolutely



Cameroon Food: 16 culinary specialties from Cameroon to taste absolutely

Today, Afroculture.net takes you to the discovery of Cameroonian gastronomy. Often unrecognized, Cameroonian cuisine is refined cuisine, rich in flavor and diversified thanks to these spices and condiments. Due to the diversity of regions and ethnic groups, it is delicious and varied. In Cameroon there are many traditional dishes that differ from one region to another by the diversity of its ethnic groups and its history, which have led to different culinary influences depending on the climate in those regions.

  • 1/ Ndolè.

Originally from Douala, the ndolè is a reference of the Cameroonian gastronomy. It is a vegetable plant whose bitter green leaves are eaten with meat, fish, game or seafood. It is accompanied with cassava, plantain (fried as boiled), yams, fufu or rice. To remove the bitterness of leaves, they must be bleached in several different waters.

  • 2/ DG Chicken

DG chicken is a dish and very popular in Cameroon. It consists of fried chicken with plantain (cut into slices and fried), carrot, green bean, peppers and spices. It is consumed during feast days and traditionally on Sundays.


Braised fish or roasted fish (mackerel, bar sole, tilapia, captain) is one of the most popular dishes of Cameroon. It is accompanied with condiments and pepper.

  • 4/ The Nkui.

The Nkui is a famous Cameroonian dish. It is a sticky bamileke sauce, brown or black in color. It is accompanied with corn couscous. Among the bamilekes, the custom would be that when a woman has just given birth, she is prepared for it at least once a week. It seems that it cleans the stomach and that it is good for breastfeeding.

  • 5/ Koki beans.

Koki is a spicy preparation made from beans and palm oil, steamed in a closed banana leaf. This is a dish that you should eat hot. It comes from Cameroonian cultures in the regions of the West and the Littoral. This dish is consumed by the coastal populations of the littoral of the South and the West. It is sometimes called Koga.

  • 6/ Taro yellow sauce.

The taro yellow sauce is a mythical dish of Cameroon. Taro is a tuber that piles a sauce until a greyish paste. This dish is served with the famous yellow sauce, based on palm oil and a mixture of a dozen spices, mushrooms and meat. It is called the food of the notables.

  • 7/ Corn tchap.

Corn tchap is a dish originating in western Cameroon. It consists of corn, red beans and smoked fish.
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  • 8/ Mbongo Tchobi.

Specialty Bassa, Mbongo Tchobi is a delicious sauce of black color. It is accompanied by macabo boiled, plantain banana ripe or boiled.

  • 9/ Eru.

Eru is a mixture of okok vegetables and water leaf a sort of spinach with small leaves. It is also accompanied by beef, beef, smoked fish and crayfish.


  • 10/ Okok or Fumbwa.

Okok (also called fumbwa) is a typical dish of the Betis. It is a dish made from gnenum africanum leaves cut very finely, grilled peanut powder and palm nut juice. It is accompanied with tubers.

  • 11/ Nfiang owondo (Beti)

Typical of the Betis, the Nfiang owondo is a Cameroonian mafé, which consists of stewed meat or fish in a peanut sauce.

  • 12/ Beef and okra stew.

It is a dish that consists of beef and okra stew. Okra stew is a very famous sauce throughout Africa. This is a very simple dish to achieve.

  • 13/ Kondre of pork.

Kondre is a dish of western Cameroon. It consists of pork, beef or fresh fish and is accompanied with plantain.

  • 14/ Nnam owondo

Nnam Owondo is a traditional dish made with cooked peanuts packed in banana leaves for cooking in papillotes. Very well known among the betis.

  • 15/ Nnam Olis

Nnam Olis is also a dish of the Betis tribe. It is a dish made of cooked peanuts packed in banana leaves for a cooking in papillote. Very well known among the Betis. It is accompanied by rice with peanut paste unlike nnam owondo.

  • 16/ Meat soya

Soya is a dish of small skewers of braised beef, which is eaten as a starter. It is found everywhere in Cameroon.

Do you like it? If you know of other popular dishes from Cameroon, do not hesitate to share your knowledge.



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