Ardhy Massamba, a Congolese portraitist painter – Entrepreneur

ardhy massamba artiste peintre congolais (5)
How to live out his passion despite the difficulties of life? How to motivate and believe in one’s dreams when one has responsibilities towards one’s family? Courage, perseverance and faith are words that refer to the portraitist artist-painter Ardhy Massamba. In spite of the pains of life, the departure of a father and his young age, he fights against winds and tides to believe in his dreams. In his studio, he immortalized the portraits and emotions of the Brazzaville.

Ardhy Massamba, a Congolese portraitist painter – Entrepreneur

My art is innate, I have it in my blood, quotes Ardhy Massamba!

Indeed, the passion of drawing animates since any small Ardhy Massamba. With penciled pencil, he draws and polishes the portraits of the members of his family and his entourage. In his heart, it is obvious, he wants to live his art. After the departure of his father, he quickly assumed the family responsibilities. Questions jostle in his head. How will I live my art?
With determination, he went to study art in the Congolese master Anicet Magregos Malonga. Very talented, he quickly joined the art studio “Nkazi Mavambou” in Brazzaville, Congo. This period of learning allows him to develop and perfect himself. He tirelessly works hard to improve his talents.

Sand, the peculiarity of his works of art.

Sand painting has long been an art practiced all over the world. Mainly, it was used in religious rites and today in front of tourists to preserve ancestral traditions. The Buddhist monks, the peoples of the southwestern United States the Navajos and the royal courts of Europe used to paint with sand.
Painting with sand brings a feeling of warmth with a burst of light in your portraits. Ardhy Massamba, in love with this method, carefully carries out many paintings with pigmented sand of his Brazzaville compatriots. He immortalizes many faces and is quickly noticed.
His technique consists of mixing white sand, yellow earth, black sand with oil paint. This gives a special touch to his art. As an observer, he transcribes the image, character and way of being of a person in his paintings. He uses photography to realize his subjects.
Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (8)The portrait remains an original gift to offer, so do not hesitate to contact Ardhy Massamba so that he can immortalize you in one of his paintings. The painter is also open to all participations in exhibitions, he is looking for many people to support him in his project to help handicapped artists and many partners to help him live his trade.

ardhy massamba artiste peintre congolais (8)To make a conection with Ardhy Massamba on social networks:

ardhy massamba artiste peintre congolais (9)His contact:
Mail :
Phone: + 242 068715955
+ 242 057936278
+ 242 040284388

Here are some portraits of the artist Ardhy Massamba:

PHOTO CREDIT : Ardhy Massamba

 ardhy massamba artiste peintre congolais (6)
 Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (10)
 Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (6)
 Genevieve Nnaji -Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (13)
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Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (2)
Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (4)
Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (11)
 Ardhy Massamba -artiste peintre portraitiste congolais (5)

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