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4 benefits of lemon for stretch marks


4 benefits of lemon for stretch marks

The body undergoes constant changes. And often it happens that when we take or lose weight, stretch marks appear. They are due to excessive stretching of the skin that causes tearing of the skin layer. This type of skin problem develops in men and women, who are thin as those who are round.

There are different causes of appearance of stretch marks:

  • Growing or losing weight quickly may be the result.
  • They are very common during pregnancy.
  • stretch marks also appear during a rapid tightening of the skin.
  • When developing muscles in many athletes.
  • Some medications also cause stretch marks.
  • They can appear in adolescence as in the age of menopause.

When they appear, the stretch marks settle on different parts of the body such as the belly, the breasts, the thighs, the hips, the buttocks, the lower back and the upper arms.

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has many virtues and benefits for the skin.

  • 1/ Bleaching properties for stretch marks

Lemon is able to bleach and whiten stretch marks because it is rich in vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy citric acid.

  • 2/ It’s a natural exfoliator

Lemon is also a very powerful exfoliator. When applying a little lemon juice on stretch marks, they become lighter and smoother. Little by little with a little patience, they fade as and when.

  • 3/ Attenuates stretch marks

Thanks to the acids contained in lemon, they help to alleviate these skin problems.

  • 4/ Accessible to all and inexpensive.

It is very easy to find lemon. It is available everywhere. It can be used by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. There is very little side effect.

Some recipes ideas beauties?

You can make these beauty recipes just before the shower. Two applications a day are recommended when you start treatment.

Precaution! Do not put lemon juice before exposure to the sun, because it is a photosensitizer, which can cause you to sunburn.

1st recipe

  1. Cut in half a lemon
  2. Rub the lemon juice on the parts where there are stretch marks.
  3. Do it for 10 minutes so that the anti-stretch marks effects of the fruit act quickly.
  4. When you feel that the juice is well saturated, rinse with lukewarm water. Other women prefer to leave it overnight to make sure the skin has absorbed the lemon juice.

2nd method

  1. Cut a sliced ​​lemon with a knife.
  2. Squeeze the juice into a bowl.
  3. Rub the lemon juice on the stretch marks with circular motions.
  4. Allow the lemon juice to penetrate your skin for five to ten minutes before wiping it.
  5. Lemon juice contains natural fruit acid that can whiten the skin and reduce the redness of stretch marks. This can make stretch marks less visible.

2nd recipe

  1. Lemon can be mixed with other natural products to fight against stretch marks.
  2. You can mix it with cucumber juice, tomato juice or potato juice.
  3. Another tip: you can gently massage the skin with sweet almond oil after applying the lemon juice remedy. To make them disappear more

Patience is your ally of beauty. Be aware that stretch marks usually disappear over time but usually do not completely disappear. Lemon juice is a beauty ally to improve the appearance of stretch marks.

What do you think ? If you have ever used lemon to fight against stretch marks, share your experience.

Tags : Lemon

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