3 African couples gave birth to a white child.
Race differences don’texist. For the only race that exists is the human race. The laws of genetics make fun of men and their prejudices. And show those who are racist, that we must love each other. And not to be afraid of difference. Fantastic families testify that God is love. If black parents can give birth to a white child and vice versa. Afroculture.net presents above the incredible stories of families like no other.
1. Ben & Angela Ihegboro : black Nigerian couple

Ben and Angela Ihegboro are a Nigerian couple living in London. They are parents of two black children and their third delivery was a white child. The mother gave birth to a little girl with blond hair, white skin and blue eyes named Nmachi Ihegboro. How is this possible?
Nmachi Ihegboro
Scientifically, how can this be explained?
For scientists, this genetic phenomenon is possible, but remains unexplained to this day. The astonishment is great, because these parents have already had two dark-skinned children and have no white ancestors in their families. Nor is it the result of adultery.
The doctors at Queen Mary’s Hospital did tests and certified to the parents that the child was not albino or mixed race. The rules of genetics are indecipherable, inexplicable and totally extraordinary.
Professor Bryan Sykes, head of genetics at Oxford University explains that this is an extraordinary phenomenon.” He says that: “In mixed populations, sometimes the lighter skin tone variant can reappear on a child. And it can sometimes be surprisingly different from the parents’ skin color,” he says. This can especially occur in populations where there is a lot of genetic mixing, such as Afro-Caribbeans. But in Nigeria, there is little mixing.” For him, this situation can occur if the parents have white ancestors in their family. But in this context, this is not the case.
For scientists, the probability of black parents having a white child may be the result of a genetic mutation carried by the parents.That is, the mutation occurred in the reproductive cells of one of the two parents. And this mutation would be dominant.
Thus, we see that the laws of genetics make fun of men. This is quite a scoop for racists who talk about races or who think that we are all fatally black or white. You can still read the incredible story of the black people with blue eyes and the black people with blond hair, which shows you the complex of human life.
2. Arlette & Francis Tshibangu: black Congolese parents

Francis meets Arlette during a return to Congo in 2007. These two black parents of Congolese origin have been living for 10 years in Great Britain. They are married, already have a two year old child Seth and are settled in Loughborough. The story of this family, unlike any other, began when Arlette gave birth to a white child named Daniel. Daniel will be born white, with blond hair in a family of black parents at the Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital in England.
Francis, 28 years old, tells the newspaper “DailyMail” how he was shocked the day his son Daniel was born. His first thought was: “Wow, is he really mine?”. Surprised, the doctors looked at each other and said that the child could not be Daniel’s. The nurses initially thought that the child was born of adultery. Then the doctors reassured them. Daniel is their child. He is neither albino nor mixed-race.
Doctors believe that Arlette and Francis gave birth to a white child, because this phenomenon has already happened to one of Arlette’s grandmothers, who would have given birth to a white child. But that was 6 generations ago.
3. Ethelbert & Nkemakonam Ofor: black Nigerian parents
Ethelbert and Nkemakonam Ofor are black Nigerian (Igbo) parents who gave birth to a white child named Emmanuel. Emmanuel was born in Great Britain in February 2007, with white skin and green eyes.
Doctors say he is neither albino nor mixed race. This kind of case happens in one million cases worldwide. Emmanuel has two Afoma sisters, six years old and Whythney 6 months old, who are black-skinned. Little Emmanuel regularly wonders why these sisters are black and he was born white. But, this case still remains unexplained.
The parents were shocked when their child was born, but the mother explained that she has a distant cousin in her family who had a similar case.
What do you think about this?