Were you aware that praying mantis could be used as a natural pregnancy test? In Africa, when we observed a praying mantis around a woman, we knew that the woman was expecting a child. But why?
Mantis religiosa, an insect like no other.

In ivory Coast and other African countries, the praying mantis is a real sign for couples who are expecting a child. When a woman is pregnant, one can see the presence of a praying mantis in the vicinity. Myth or reality, is that the question?
Dr. Diahou Bertin Nguessan, a student at the University of Friborg in Switzerland, was interested in this myth of society. Through his research, he succeeded in proving that the mantis religious of his scientific name “Mantis Religiosa”, could be used as a test of pregnancy in pharmacy.
To get in touch with Dr Diahou Bertin Nguessan, contact him on his twitter https://twitter.com/BertinDiahou
Indeed, during pregnancy, the woman produces a hormone, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropic hormone), which is then eliminated in the urine. The praying mantis would be attracted to this hormone that acts as a pheromone for her. This is why we detect the presence of a manta around the woman when she is pregnant.

An economical, natural and reliable pregnancy test, the praying mantis is a must-have insect. Thanks to the research of Dr. Diahou Bertin Nguessan, we can confirm that our African mothers were right when they said that the praying mantis could be used as a pregnancy test.
And do you know of other natural pregnancy tests?
Ah, yes the hormones! Makes sense. Very cool