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Black Men: are muscles an asset of charm to you?


Hommes noirs musclés -black men muscular
Trust, well-being, fantasy, bodybuilding is becoming more and more important in our society. Why such enthusiasm? Tell me friends, according to you, muscles are a real asset today.

Black Men: are muscles an asset of charm to you?

Summer is approaching and all my male friends are raging to take care of their bodies. All the friends I knew, who had a stomach belly in so hard work, that the fat turned into beautiful abs. (For our greatest pleasure !). 
Why such an obsession? In Africa, having belly and a little weight is synonymous with good health and wealth. But in other countries, maintaining one’s physique has become a real issue.
Curious, I asked the question to several men, whom I met. Why be muscular is also essential for you? Weight training brings you what in your daily life?
Top 10 comments I’ve received

  • 1) Better health. Poor posture and underdeveloped musculature can cause many back and joint problems. A good musculature avoids this kind of problem.
  • 2) Confidence in oneself. I felt ugly and badly in my skin. People often laughed at me because I was either too thin or too fat. Thanks to the weight training, I gained confidence in myself and learned to appreciate myself as I am.
  • 3) A charming and seductive asset. Strength training seduces women. They like seeing and touching well-muscled men. Abs are a real asset of seduction.
  • 4) A muscular man makes fantasize. Brian explained that he started to muscle, because he wanted to continue to please and fantasize his wife. Today, Nathalie and Brian live very happy days and their quilts are doing well. Hey! Hey!
  • 5) Find a job more easily. Taking care of yourself is a real asset for finding work. The charism is a real plus in today’s society.
    6) To lose belly. Didier explained to me that since he took a stomach, he felt bad about himself. He had difficulty getting dressed and accepting himself. The weight training allowed him to face all these difficulties.
  • 7) Muscular is fun! Many boys have explained to me that they do weight training because they like it. Going to go to a gym allows them to exteriorize and remove stress from everyday life. Moreover, it is a real asset to be in good health.
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 Hommes noirs musclés


 Black men muscular

Are muscles an asset of charm to you?


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