African Wedding: 17 African Traditional Wedding Dresses
Elegance, roots, tradition, many African couples wish to marry in traditional dress. Indeed, Africa abounds in many traditional clothes and fabrics “made in africa”, which are the pride of a whole people.
African marriage, for certain, is summed up in several stages.
- 1) Customary marriage. (Traditional marriage / family union).
- 2) Civil marriage at the town hall.
- 3) Religious marriage.
It is during the traditional marriage that the lovers carry their most beautiful appearances. Traditional dress for women with sublime jewelry and trimmings and traditional clothing for men. To the rhythm of the African sounds, and the love and support of his family and friends, we make a solemn commitment for life.
If you are in the process of preparing for your traditional wedding, we hope this article and all the others will help you prepare well for your wedding.
Do you love these traditional dresses?