Kalahari Desert | Namibia and Botswana


Kalahari Desert | Namibia and Botswana

Kalahari Desert is a real jewel in Africa. Indeed, Kalahari covers seven African countries (Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola and Congo). This desert is characterized by an immense basin of sandy sediments of 1.2 million km². In this desert, there are trees, magnificent dunes, great rivers and gigantic reserves and natural parks. In Kalahari, there is the last Stone Age people in the world “the Bushmen of the San tribe”, who have lived there for more than 20,000 years.
In addition, tourists will be very happy to visit the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, which remains the favorite destination for its wildlife, flora and landscapes. The reserve is very large and covers about 52,000 km².
What activities to do in Kalahari desert?

  • 1) Survival hike in the beautiful Kalahari Desert
    2) Visit the Central Kalahari Game Reserve Nature Reserve. ”
    3) Discover different species of animals (lions, elephants, crocodiles, onyxes, hyenas, etc.)
    PS: To get there, travelers must be equipped with a 4 * 4, compass and a good supply of gas.



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