Marcel Gotene an icon of the Congolese painting

Marcel Gotene (1935-2013)  is a Congolese artist-painter.   

Marcel Gotene an icon of the Congolese painting

 Discovered by Pierre Lods, he will do his apprenticeship at the Poto Poto painting school. His works combine the real and the unreal. It is a fantasy world with strange shapes and bright colors. His paintings express the life involving humans, animals and plants. Recognized painter, Marcel Gotene has received several awards and honors. Cried and loved by all, it will forever remain an icon of the Congolese painting.

gotene ecole de musique de poto poto gotene_marcel-danse_del_homme_poisson
Marcel Gotene, une icône de la peinture congolaise.
Marcel Gotene DEUX-SEOURS-A-LA-RIVIERE Gotene-marcel-1939-la-danse-de-kebe-kebe
Gotene-Marcel-La-danse-noire-sous-la-neige Gotene-Marcel-un-etang-sans-poisson
Gotene-Marcel-feu-de-brousse Gotene-Marcel-les-trois-divinités


gotene-marcel-1939-la-femme-aux-ananas Gotene-Marcel-la-tete-du-singe-et-l-escargot
Gotene-Marcel-foret-d'eucalyptus Gotene-Marcel-un-balai
Gotene-Marcel-Coeur-blanc Gotene-Marcel-les-déchets-du-ventre
Gotene-Marcel-Le-couple-rouge-et beige Gotene-Marcel-L-homme-araignee
peintures-republique-du-congo-gotene Gotene Marcel-ecole-de-peinture-poto-poto

photo credit : Marcel Gotene

Don’t hesitate to explore the beautiful paintings of Marcel Gotene.

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