Twins with different skin colour | One Black & One White Twins
Have you seen twins of different skin, one white and the other black? tells you the incredible stories of extraordinary families who have had the chance to show that genetics makes its law and makes fun of men. Indeed, families who had the chance to welcome in their home twins of different skin: one white and the other black. But, how is this possible? How can twins be born with different skin colors?
Genetics is perplexed, astonishing and difficult to understand. She laughs at racist men who make distinctions between races by saying:
I belong to the white race, you belong to the black race.»
Genetic laughs at stereotypes and differences and argues that we are all equal, no matter what color we have, and that the notion of race does not exist.
This phenomenon has a one million chance of occurring. It is very rare that a woman gives life to twins of different skin. This state often results from genetic mixing of generations. In genetics, this is called atavism. Atavism is the ancestral reappearance of a genetic character in an individual who should not possess it. This phenomenon is interesting because a gene can remain dormant for a very long time, even millions of years, within the genetic background of innumerable generations. This gene present in a spermatozoa can give rise to babies of different skin.
Surprising parents: mixed couples, twins in black and white colors
1. Kelly and Remi Hodgson give birth to twins of white and black color.
Kelly and Remi Hodgson, Métis parents, gave birth to binoculars, one black and the other white. Their chances of having a black child and a white child is a very rare case.
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2. Dean, a black and Alison, a white give birth to twins of different colors twice.

The fabulous destiny of a couple like no other. A British couple, Dean Durrant, originally from India and Alison Sooner, a white one had twins on November 13, 2001 in the United Kingdom. This story is incredible, because one has dark skin and the other has white skin. When their children Miyah and Leah were born, parents were shocked at their differences in skins. The parents do a DNA test that proves to them that these binoculars are of them. The odds for this event to happen were 1 million against 1. How is this possible? One study explains that in England 50% of the British population, had at least one distant black parent. But most surprising is that this case will happen again in their families in 2010. Dean and Alison will give birth to two other Hayleigh and Lauren twins, still dark and white. Surprising, right?
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3. Carole and Brian Fraser and their twins Martha & Daniel – Australia
Carole Fraser, a mixed mother married to a white man, gives birth to twins, a white and a mixed twins in Australia. Strange thing is that the mother expected to have children of different colors.
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4. Couple Gerth and their twins Ryan and Leo – Germany
This German couple was surprised by Mother Nature. Indeed, they had twins Ryan & Leo one of which is black and the other white, July 11, 2008 at the hospital in Lichtenberg. This chance happens that out of 1 million. The mother is a native of Ghana and the father is from the German city Potsdam, in the suburbs of Berlin.
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5.Amanda and Michael Biggs, and her twins Marcia, and Millie
Amanda Biggs gives birth to two Millie and Marcia twins at the Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield. One is black and the other white. Dad Michael is of Jamaican origin and his wife Amanda is white.
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Twins of different skin: one white and the other black
Marcia & Millie Biggs
Kaydon & Layton Richardson
James & Daniel are two Anglo-Jamaican twins
Miyah and Leah and the babies Hayleigh and Lauren
Viviana & Dennis
Marcia & Millie
kian & remee
Tyrelle & Tyreece Charles
Miyah & Leah
Kian & Remee
What do you think of all these little miracles?
God is Infinitely Great, am surprised at this.