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12 handsome men with dreadlocks


hommes dreadlocks - man with dreadlocks
Dreadlocks are a must-have hairstyle for many men. Let yourself be subjugated by these 12 sublime men in dreadlocks hairstyle.

12 handsome men with dreadlocks

Dreadlocks are strands of hair that tangle and form alone if the hair grows naturally. Indeed, once the hair is not cut or brushed, it grows naturally, and begins to twist. The tangled hair thus forms dreadlocks. Nicknamed “dreads”, “Jata” in Hindi, “locks”, “rasta”, the dreadlocks have become a must-hairstyle.

Origin and Inspiration

In history, the dreadlocks are an ancestral hairstyle inescapable. It is discovered in Egypt, Asia, Africa in different peoples, in the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica, and in the Greek, Celtic, Vikings, and Mexican peoples. See more in detail the origins of the dreadlocks in the story by clicking the link below.

Advantage of this hairstyle

  • It is suitable for a person who has very curly hair and thick by nature.
  • It’s easy to maintain.
  • It is a protective hairstyle for frizzy hair.
  • Everyone can have dreadlocks, as well as Caucasian women as well as black and mixed women.
  • Above all, dreadlocks represent a state of mind and a way of life.
  • This style is perfect for any shape of face and density of hair.
  • It adapts to all styles. And fits perfectly with a quirky-chic, dandy, classic, casual, urban or roots style.
  • They can be tied, detached, made a bun or a ponytail. It all depends on those desires.
  • It adapts to all short, medium or long hair sizes.
  • You can wear them in Hipster. The sides are shaved and the tops are dreadlocks.
  • During a wedding or special event, one can also put dreadlocks.
  • Men are very sexy and manly with this hairstyle. Wow of true warriors!

Disadvantage is that to change the cut, it will be necessary to shave everything. One must be very patient and wait several months before the hair grows.

How to make dreadlocks?

1st technique “roots”: let the dreadlocks happen naturally. Patience is a must. This technique works for white as well as black. Do not tie your hair in this transition period, as you may have a beavertail behind. Your dreadlocks will be natural, irregular sizes, a true roots style.
2nd technique: realize nodes.
3rd technique: use a crepe comb to make dreadlocks. This method is very long.
4th technique with your hands and a towel (or gloves): for 2 or 3 times, rub the brothel on your head with one on towels 3 times a day. Avoid washing your hair and you will see that your dreadlocks will begin to form.
5th technique: extension with wool or synthetic dreadlocks. That is, we go to a hairdressing salon that makes the laying of synthetic dreads. The hairdresser will separate your hair into strands, then into braids. Once the tresses are finished, he places synthetic dreads over them. You have the option to choose the color and size you want.

Care of dreadlocks
  • They should be cleaned regularly with a shampoo without SLS. You should choose a natural shampoo, without detangling.
  •   You can also use either baking soda or a mixture of water with cider vinegar to wash them well.
  • They must be dried with a hair dryer.
  • The hair should be moistened.
  • To keep your dreadlocks round, roll your locks in the palm of your hands, it is important to start from the bottom of the locks and back up to the tip of the locks.
  • Do not forget to wear the tam, which is an indispensable cap for storing dreadlocks. The advantage is that it keeps your hair warm and your dreads squeeze faster.
  • You can feed your dreads with essential oils.
  • FALSE IDEAS: One can very well have rastas and not smoking. Dreadlocks wash. They must be maintained and cleaned.





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Do you like this hairstyle? For all lovers of dreadlocks, why do you wear this kind of hairstyle (pleasure, religion or other)?



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