Who am I ? History and Identity


Who am I ? History and Identity

Unite - Qui suis-je ? Histoire & IdentitéI am an “orphan.” Who am I? The story is the source of our identity. Many questions concern human origins. How a child can he build? When he knows neither history nor his parents. How can we develop all with shadows of his past? The question of origins and remains inseparable from human reflection. Hence the question: “Who am I?”

When I close my eyes I see myself set foot on the African savannah. I imagine my ancestors who lived there. I remain appreciative of knowledge conveyed by the men and women of our history. The tremendous wealth they have left. What matter its environment, its color and its origins. The past, present and future intertwine incessantly. I look in me the origins of everything to make it a strength.
AfroCulture.net is a blog that sets out to discover unknown stories. He crosses the seas, horizons to reach their destination. The destination is the sharing of knowledge, history that are fundamental to our construction. It thus presents the riches and sorrows of Africa, the Caribbean and the homecoming of African Americans. Some topics may offend or to cry. The purpose of this blog is really to discuss the often taboo subjects in our society.

What’s more, with a high-traffic blog (over 100,000 visits a month) and a Facebook page with over 78,000 followers, which attracts people from all walks of life, Afroculture.net has been able to grow considerably thanks to your support.
The Afroculture.net idea was born from Charlotte B, a young blogger and artist who, following her many travels between Africa, France, England, Spain and her personal experience. She came to the conclusion to :

Nourish yourself with your roots and take charge of your future.”

This phrase reveals our history and takes on considerable meaning in our lives. Many people are searching for themselves, but sometimes, thanks to a return to our roots, we finally find out who we are and who we want to become. As a young mother, it was essential for Charlotte B to share and pass on the culture of her ancestors to her children. When you live far from home, certain values and cultures are lost. But every child needs to know his or her history and origins if he or she is to develop properly.
Afroculture.net is a site open to everyone, whatever their nationality, color or origin. Our sole aim is to take you on a journey through the riches of our culture and history.
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Welcome ! 


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