Testimony: I chose a bad father for my children. God help me!


Testimony: I chose a bad father for my children. God help me!

Hello everyone, my name is Yvonne and I want to share one of my biggest regrets in my life. I chose the wrong father for my children and I am doomed to live in this torment of regret.
When you are young, you don’t realise the consequences of your actions. We believe in Prince Charming and we look for true love. But, unfortunately, true love does not really exist in this world. When you are in a relationship, you think your man is perfect. You can’t imagine for a second that he’ll be able to abandon his child and leave you with all the weight of life to raise your child. While you are struggling to feed your child, he is having fun and making a good living. It’s normal in his head, he has no constraints. He doesn’t know what it’s like not to sleep at night, because you’re afraid for your children. May God bless all the mothers in this world, who struggle to raise their children in sorrow and hardship.
Despite the reluctance and advice of one’s parents, one does not listen to them and lives according to one’s heart. But the reality is quite different. How could I know that I have chosen an unworthy father? A father who is there part-time and leaves all the responsibilities to me. A father who wanted me to have an abortion, but how can I have an abortion? My religious beliefs and convictions prevent me from doing so.

So you keep your child and try to fight to raise your child in good conditions. You finish your studies and start a business to support your children. But, despite everything, the regrets are there and I have lost sleep. I can’t forgive myself for choosing a bad man, a man who is unable to take care of his child. My son is 14 and he never wanted to pay child support. He never taught my son to read, write, tie his shoes or any of the other things in life. But in front of the judge he has the same rights as me. I think life is unfair, because many women have made the same mistakes as me. Some have preferred to have an abortion to avoid this kind of situation.
The worst thing is that he is useless and for him it’s all my fault, because I didn’t want to stay with him. But who would choose to stay with a man who doesn’t support you and isn’t there for you and your children. Who would accept this kind of life.
I declare to all the people who are reading me at the moment. Take the time to choose your life partner carefully. It may be too late for me. But you still have a choice. Even if you love someone with all your heart, before you commit to a relationship or even before you decide to have children, make sure the man you choose is a good father. Not a man who only thinks about himself and his job. Avoid men who are selfish and unhealthy, who spend their time putting you down. Choose a man who is virtuous, worthy before God, who has values and a noble heart. A man who even if your relationship ends is the pride of his family and his child. There are many unworthy fathers who leave their children with nothing. Please, choose better and take time. I hope my children will forgive me for my mistakes and that God will have mercy on me. I know that there are also good men in life. But we women are often fooled, because wolves disguise themselves as lambs.

What do you think about it?
Can you recover from this kind of situation?

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