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Nigerian Celebrities: Lola Rae and Dorcas Shola Fapson gorgeous in Gele Headwraps


Nigerian Celebrities: Lola Rae and Dorcas Shola Fapson gorgeous in Gele Headwraps

Afroculture.net presents the work of makeup artist Dolly Okusanya of Dee Beaute by Dolly. The purpose of this make-up is to celebrate the culture and traditions of the Yoruba people. One observes actress Dorcas Shola Fapson and singer Lola Rae sublimate makeup with magnificent necklaces around the neck and a frost.
The makeup artist living in England wanted to embrace her Yoruba culture. She wanted to show that young Nigerians or Africans had not forgotten their ancestral heritages. Both of these celebrities have a bold metallic makeup around their eyes.
See pictures below:

Photo credit

  • Photographer: Black Crayon(Yemi Kehinde) @ydot_k | Www.black-crayon.fr
  • Makeup & Gele: Dee Beauté par Dolly (Dolly Okùsanya) |
  • E-mail: info.deebeaute@gmail.com | Suivez Instagram: @deebeautebydolly
  • Models: Lola Rae (Rachel Garton) @lolaraemusic | Dorcas Shola Fapson @ms_dsf
  • Accessoiries: @kenza_accessories | Visitez leur site web: www.kenzaaccessories.com

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