Cornrows hairstyles for black baby girls | Kids hairstyles
For school or various occasions, you can make cornrows hairstyles or plaited braids to your daughter. Original, unique, creative, plaited braids or glued mats do not lack imagination.
What is cornrow hairstyle ?
Cornrow is a mat plated against the scalp. There are a multitude of designs and styles of plaited braids.
This hairstyle is unisex, as it is perfect for boys and girls. This style can be sported on short and long hair. But the biggest advantage is that there are a multitude of plaited plaited figures. It can be done with or without adding and it is possible to accessorize the hair with beads.
Do you like cornrows braids?
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Black baby girlsCornrows hairstylesCornrows hairstyles for black baby girls | Kids hairstylesKids HairstylesPlait hairstyles for black baby girl