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Annie Hawkins – the woman with the biggest natural breasts in the world


Annie Hawkns - Largest-Breasts-in-the-world  
53 years old, Annie Hawkins is the “woman with the biggest natural breasts in the world.” With bras that are 102 ZZZ … the weight of her breasts that make 51 kilos, Annie has become a real hawkins celebrity worldwide. It came straight into the Guinness World Records as “the woman with the largest breasts in the world. “How does she live this every day? Who is truly Annie Hawkins? What is it like to be in the shoes of the woman with the largest breasts in the world?      

Annie Hawkins – the woman with the biggest natural breasts in the world

Who is truly Annie Hawkins?
Annie Hawkins is a beautiful American woman, resident of Atlanta, Georgia. She is known worldwide as “the woman with the biggest natural breasts in the world” and is listed in the Guinness Records. For over 13 years, it carries its title. With physical extraordinaire, 51 kg of weight for both breasts (breast measure 109, 22 cm and the other in 177, 8 cm), with a size of bra 102 ZZZ … she stood out people and become a real celebrity. At age 10, she uses her first bra and her life changes. 
The characteristics of her unique physical:

  • Both breasts together weigh 51 kg.
  • A breast measuring 109.22 cm (43 po)
  • The second breast measuring 177.8 cm (70 po) on breast nipple.
  • Its size bra is around 102 ZZZ…

How living it every day?

Annie Hawkins Guiness RecordsAnnie is a quiet person who is full of joy. Despite this, the situation has not always been easy. Mother of a little boy, she must face the difficulty of imposing breasts and also the mocking eyes of people to the daily.
*  Pain, uncomfortable position: breasts not easy to live
Annie must pay attention to the way it goes down, it should not stand too long. Indeed, Annie says:

  If I have to go back into bed, if I do not get up in the right way, I can do very bad. If I stand up too long, too, have huge pain in the shoulders. “

Being forced to wear a very young bra was not easy. The look of other changes, only 10 years, Annie was already wearing bras. She understood at that time it was totally different.
*  An outside look hard to bear
Human beings often difficult to bear the difference. Despite this, Annie fully assume its difference, it must cope with laughter or derogatory teasing about his physical every day that hurts the most developed. Annie says:

 When I leave my house, I have to think about what my day will be and who will attack me today. Every day someone does not know me, teasing me. They make fun of me and there is no reason. I am human like everyone else. These attacks affect my son because he is aware of what they say about his mother “ 

Annie Hawkins aka “Norma Stitz” has become a model model. And she took pictures for adult sites. On his photos, Annie says: 

I showed people that you can be sexy in your way. This is not ashamed, I’m an artist. I speak, I am your fantasy. When I speak, it is because ‘there are things in your mind that you want to do for me. But in reality, you would have never met. “

* A happy marriage with her late husband Alan
Annie said, “I was like a Barbie doll, with more sizes than him. He treated me like a queen. He loved me and he loved my children. He was my angel, it was not just sexual. I lived very, very dark days, and god, really came to me, she said. I really think my husband was my angel. He kissed me, taught me to love myself, she said. “

Surgery, out of the question?

Each person is born as God has decided. Annie Hawkins has understood and fully accept their differences. Many people ask him to resort to surgery to be like everyone else.
But what is normality?Annie says she was blessed in a way different from the others. Good about yourself, it perfectly fulfills its large breasts.

 I was born like that, and just because I do not meet the standards of society, who are they to tell me to change?  I never thought to use a scalpel. Why fix something that is not broken? “Says Annie” Nobody like me. I’m ONE in a million. Others have tried to imitate me, but are never managed. It gives me, I admit, some financial security because of the sudden people are after me.»

Annie Hawkins - la femme aux plus gros seins du monde

Annie Hawins - Largest-Breasts-in-the-world

Annie Hawkins - la femme aux plus gros seins du monde 2

Annie Hawins - Largest-Breasts-in-the-world 1

Annie Hawins - Largest-Breasts-in-the-world 2


Annie Hawkins Guiness Records 1
Annie is a fighter. She says :

 I had a permanent tooth against life. Life was different. But I have learned to embrace. I like to live. “

Despite the setbacks, she said with a love for God, her husband and her own self-esteem helped to affirm and love.

Do you know Annie Hawkins? What did you do in her situation? 



    1. I couldn’t agree more, Kimberly. God created Annie that way, so why mess with it? God doesn’t make junk. People make junk out of things God creates. Love yourself the way you are. I don’t know you, Annie, but I love you.

  1. You look beautiful! But if your back and shoulders are giving u problems, I myself would have the reduction surgery. Who cares what people think. Your health and life is more important

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