Jamaican painter: Andre Woolery | Caribbean Paintings & Artwork


Jamaican painter: Andre Woolery | Caribbean Paintings & Artwork 

andre-wooleryBorn in Jamaica, Andre Woolery is a self-taught painter who lives and works in Harlem.
After graduating in computer science from Duke University, André moved to New York and began a career in advertising. But in 2009, with the desire to develop his “creative side”, he decides to take a sabbatical from his work to explore his artistic activities. So he started painting in 2009 and since 2011 and is passionate about oil painting.
Two years later, after simultaneously maintaining a full-time and award-winning advertising career, he created a collection of restricted art that he considered worthy of presentation.
Very talented, you can discover his art in the streets of various places in Harlem. His work has been exhibited in New York and elsewhere. He had a solo exhibition at the FrontRunner Gallery in Manhattan, NY; And the ILO conference at SXSW in Austin, TX. More recently, his paintings were presented at the 2014 Jamaican Biennale in Kingston, Jamaica.
He has performed public and private works, and sold parts in New York and Los Angeles-based art collectors.



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